Class: Formula Private
- Extended by:
- APIHashable, Attrable, BuildEnvironment::DSL, Cachable, Forwardable, OnSystem::MacOSAndLinux
- Includes:
- Context, FileUtils, Homebrew::Livecheck::Constants, OS::Linux::Formula, OS::Mac::Formula, OnSystem::MacOSAndLinux, Utils::Shebang, Utils::Shell
- Defined in:
- formula.rb,
This class is part of a private API. This class may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This file provides definitions for Forwardable#delegate, which is currently not supported by Sorbet.
Constant Summary
Constants included from Homebrew::Livecheck::Constants
Constants included from Utils::Shell
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.allow_network_access!(phases = []) ⇒ void
The phases for which network access is allowed.
- .conflicts ⇒ Array<FormulaConflict> readonly private
.deny_network_access!(phases = []) ⇒ void
The phases for which network access is denied.
.deprecated_option(hash) ⇒ Object
Deprecated options are used to rename options and migrate users who used them to newer ones.
.deprecation_date ⇒ Object
The date that this Formula was or becomes deprecated.
.deprecation_reason ⇒ nil, ...
The reason for deprecation of a Formula.
.deprecation_replacement ⇒ nil, String
The replacement for a deprecated Formula.
- .desc(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped private
.disable_date ⇒ Object
The date that this Formula was or becomes disabled.
.disable_reason ⇒ String, Symbol
The reason this Formula is disabled.
.disable_replacement ⇒ String
The replacement for a disabled Formula.
.head(val = nil, specs = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Adds a Formula.head SoftwareSpec.
- .homepage(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped private
.keg_only_reason ⇒ Object
The reason for why this software is not linked (by default) to HOMEBREW_PREFIX.
.license(args = nil) ⇒ Object
The SPDX ID of the open-source license that the formula uses.
- .link_overwrite_paths ⇒ Object readonly private
.livecheck(&block) ⇒ Object
Livecheck can be used to check for newer versions of the software.
.mirror(val) ⇒ Object
Additional URLs for the Formula.stable version of the formula.
.option(name, description = "") ⇒ Object
Options can be used as arguments to
brew install
. -
.pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason ⇒ Object
the user-visible reason to display for why they cannot use the bottle. - .pour_bottle_only_if ⇒ Object readonly private
- .revision(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped private
.service(&block) ⇒ Object
Service can be used to define services.
.sha256(val) ⇒ Object
To verify the cached download's integrity and security we verify the SHA-256 hash matches what we've declared in the Formula.
- .skip_clean_paths ⇒ Object readonly private
.stable(&block) ⇒ Object
Allows adding Formula.depends_on and Patches just to the Formula.stable SoftwareSpec.
.url(val, specs = {}) ⇒ Object
The URL used to download the source for the Formula.stable version of the formula.
.version(val = nil) ⇒ Object
The version string for the Formula.stable version of the formula.
- .version_scheme(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped private
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#active_log_type ⇒ String?
When performing a build, test, or other loggable action, indicates which log file location to use.
- #active_spec ⇒ Object writeonly private
#active_spec_sym ⇒ Symbol
A symbol to indicate currently active SoftwareSpec.
#alias_name ⇒ String?
The name of the alias that was used to identify this Formula.
#alias_path ⇒ Pathname?
The path to the alias that was used to identify this Formula.
#build ⇒ BuildOptions, Tab
The BuildOptions or Tab for this Formula.
#buildpath ⇒ Pathname?
The current working directory during builds.
#follow_installed_alias ⇒ Boolean
(also: #follow_installed_alias?)
Whether this formula should be considered outdated if the target of the alias it was installed with has since changed.
#force_bottle ⇒ Boolean
Whether or not to force the use of a bottle.
#full_alias_name ⇒ String?
The fully-qualified alias referring to this Formula.
#full_name ⇒ String
The fully-qualified name of this Formula.
#head ⇒ SoftwareSpec?
The HEAD SoftwareSpec for this Formula.
#local_bottle_path ⇒ Pathname?
When installing a bottle (binary package) from a local path this will be set to the full path to the bottle tarball.
#name ⇒ String
The name of this Formula.
#path ⇒ Pathname
The full path to this Formula.
#revision ⇒ Integer
Used for creating new Homebrew versions of software without new upstream versions.
#source_modified_time ⇒ Time?
most recent modified time for source files.
#stable ⇒ SoftwareSpec?
The stable (and default) SoftwareSpec for this Formula.
- #tap ⇒ Tap? readonly internal
#testpath ⇒ Pathname?
The current working directory during tests.
#version_scheme ⇒ Integer
Used to change version schemes for packages.
Class Method Summary collapse
- .[](name) ⇒ Object private
.alias_full_names ⇒ Object
an array of all aliases as fully-qualified names.
.aliases ⇒ Object
an array of all aliases.
.all(eval_all: false) ⇒ Object
an array of all Formula this should only be used when users specify
to a command. -
.bottle(&block) ⇒ void
Adds a Formula.bottle SoftwareSpec.
- .build ⇒ Object private
.build_flags ⇒ Object
Get the
from the formula's namespace set inFormulary::load_formula
. -
.conflicts_with(*names) ⇒ Object
One or more formulae that conflict with this one and why.
.core_alias_files ⇒ Object
an array of all alias files of core Formula.
.core_aliases ⇒ Object
an array of all core aliases.
.core_names ⇒ Object
an array of all core Formula names.
.cxxstdlib_check(check_type) ⇒ Object
to this method to disable post-install stdlib checking. -
.depends_on(dep) ⇒ Object
The dependencies for this formula.
.deprecate!(date:, because:, replacement: nil) ⇒ Object
Deprecates a Formula (on the given date) so a warning is shown on each installation.
.deprecated? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this Formula is deprecated (i.e. warns on installation).
.disable!(date:, because:, replacement: nil) ⇒ Object
Disables a Formula (on the given date) so it cannot be installed.
.disabled? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this Formula is disabled (i.e. cannot be installed).
.fails_with(compiler, &block) ⇒ Object
Marks the Formula as failing with a particular compiler so it will fall back to others.
- .freeze ⇒ Object private
.full_names ⇒ Object
an array of all Formula names, which the tap formulae have the fully-qualified name.
.fuzzy_search(name) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of approximately matching formula names, but not the complete match.
.go_resource(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Use Go modules instead.
.inherited(child) ⇒ Object
Initialise instance variables for each subclass.
.installed ⇒ Object
An array of all installed Formula.
.installed_formula_names ⇒ Array<String>
An array of all currently installed formula names.
- .installed_with_alias_path(alias_path) ⇒ Object private
.keg_only(reason, explanation = "") ⇒ Object
Software that will not be symlinked into the
brew --prefix
and will only live in its Cellar. -
.link_overwrite(*paths) ⇒ Object
Permit overwriting certain files while linking.
.livecheckable? ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether a
specification is defined or not. - .loaded_from_api? ⇒ Boolean private
.names ⇒ Object
an array of all Formula names.
.needs(*standards) ⇒ Object
Marks the Formula as needing a certain standard, so Homebrew will fall back to other compilers if the default compiler does not implement that standard.
.network_access_allowed?(phase) ⇒ Boolean
Whether the specified phase should be forced offline.
.on_macos(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is included by
. - .on_system_blocks_exist? ⇒ Boolean private
.patch(strip = :p1, src = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
External patches can be declared using resource-style blocks.
.pour_bottle?(only_if: nil, &block) ⇒ Boolean
Defines whether the Formula's bottle can be used on the given Homebrew installation.
.racks ⇒ Object
An array of all racks currently installed.
.resource(name, klass = Resource, &block) ⇒ void
Additional downloads can be defined as Formula.resources and accessed in the install method.
.service? ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether a service specification is defined or not.
.skip_clean(*paths) ⇒ Object
Skip cleaning paths in a formula.
- .spec_syms ⇒ Object private
.specs ⇒ Object
A list of the Formula.stable and Formula.head SoftwareSpecs.
.tap_aliases ⇒ Object
an array of all tap aliases.
.tap_files ⇒ Object
an array of all tap Formula files.
.tap_names ⇒ Object
an array of all tap Formula names.
.test(&block) ⇒ Boolean
A test is required for new formulae and makes us happy.
.uses_from_macos(dep, bounds = {}) ⇒ void
Indicates use of dependencies provided by macOS.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#active_log_prefix ⇒ String
The prefix, if any, to use in filenames for logging current activity.
#alias_changed? ⇒ Boolean
Has the alias used to install the formula changed, or are different formulae already installed with this alias?.
#aliases ⇒ Array<String>
All aliases for the formula.
- #allow_network_access!(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#any_installed_keg ⇒ Keg?
Returns a Keg for the opt_prefix or installed_prefix if they exist.
#any_installed_prefix ⇒ Pathname?
Get the path of any installed prefix.
#any_installed_version ⇒ Object
Returns the PkgVersion for this formula if it is installed.
#any_version_installed? ⇒ Boolean
If at least one version of Formula is installed.
#bash_completion ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's Bash completion files should be installed.
#bin ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's binaries should be installed.
#bottle ⇒ Bottle?
The Bottle object for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
- #bottle_defined?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean private
#bottle_for_tag(tag = nil) ⇒ Bottle?
The Bottle object for given tag.
#bottle_hash(compact_for_api: false) ⇒ Object
Returns the bottle information for a formula.
- #bottle_prefix ⇒ Pathname private
- #bottle_specification(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #bottle_tab_attributes ⇒ Hash private
- #bottle_tag?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean private
- #bottled?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean private
#brew(fetch: true, keep_tmp: false, debug_symbols: false, interactive: false) ⇒ Object
Yields |self,staging| with current working directory set to the uncompressed tarball where staging is a Mktemp staging context.
- #cached_download(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#caveats ⇒ String?
Warn the user about any Homebrew-specific issues or quirks for this package.
- #caveats_with_placeholders ⇒ Object private
- #clear_cache(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #compiler_failures(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#conflicts ⇒ Array<FormulaConflict>
!attr[r] conflicts.
#core_formula? ⇒ Boolean
True if this formula is provided by Homebrew itself.
- #current_installed_alias_target ⇒ Object private
- #declared_deps(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #deny_network_access!(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #dependencies_hash ⇒ Object private
#deprecated? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this Formula is deprecated (i.e. warns on installation).
- #deprecated_flags(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #deprecated_options(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#deprecation_date ⇒ T.untyped
The date that this Formula was or becomes deprecated.
#deprecation_reason ⇒ T.untyped
The reason this Formula is deprecated.
#deprecation_replacement ⇒ T.untyped
The replacement for this deprecated Formula.
- #deps(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#desc ⇒ T.untyped
The description of the software.
#deuniversalize_machos(*targets) ⇒ void
Replaces a universal binary with its native slice.
#disable_date ⇒ T.untyped
The date that this Formula was or becomes disabled.
#disable_reason ⇒ T.untyped
The reason this Formula is disabled.
#disable_replacement ⇒ T.untyped
The replacement for this disabled Formula.
#disabled? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this Formula is disabled (i.e. cannot be installed).
#doc ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's documentation should be installed.
- #downloader(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #eligible_kegs_for_cleanup(quiet: false) ⇒ Object private
#elisp ⇒ Pathname
The directory where Emacs Lisp files should be installed, with the formula name appended to avoid linking conflicts.
- #env(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#etc ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's configuration files should be installed.
- #fetch(verify_download_integrity: true, timeout: nil, quiet: false) ⇒ Pathname private
- #fetch_bottle_tab ⇒ void private
- #fetch_patches ⇒ Object private
#fish_completion ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's fish completion files should be installed.
#fish_function ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's fish function files should be installed.
#frameworks ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's Frameworks should be installed.
- #full_installed_alias_name ⇒ Object private
#full_installed_specified_name ⇒ Object
The name (including tap) specified to install this formula.
#full_specified_name ⇒ Object
The name (including tap) specified to find this formula.
#generate_completions_from_executable(*commands, base_name: name, shells: [:bash, :zsh, :fish], shell_parameter_format: nil) ⇒ void
Generate shell completions for a formula for
, using the formula's executable. -
#head? ⇒ Boolean
Is the currently active SoftwareSpec a #head build?.
#head_only? ⇒ Boolean
Is this formula HEAD-only?.
- #head_version_outdated?(version, fetch_head: false) ⇒ Boolean private
#homepage ⇒ T.untyped
The homepage for the software.
#include ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's headers should be installed.
#info ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's info files should be installed.
- #initialize(name, path, spec, alias_path: nil, tap: nil, force_bottle: false) ⇒ void constructor private
#inreplace(paths, before = nil, after = nil, old_audit_result = nil, audit_result: true, &block) ⇒ void
Sometimes we have to change a bit before we install.
#install ⇒ Object
This method is overridden in Formula subclasses to provide the installation instructions.
- #install_etc_var ⇒ void private
- #installed_alias_name ⇒ String? private
#installed_alias_path ⇒ Pathname?
The alias path that was used to install this formula, if it exists.
#installed_alias_target_changed? ⇒ Boolean
Has the target of the alias used to install this formula changed? Returns false if the formula wasn't installed with an alias.
#installed_kegs ⇒ Array<Keg>
All currently installed kegs.
#installed_prefixes ⇒ Object
All currently installed prefix directories.
#installed_specified_name ⇒ Object
The name specified to install this formula.
- #internal_dependencies_hash(spec_symbol) ⇒ Object private
#keg_only? ⇒ Boolean
Rarely, you don't want your library symlinked into the main prefix.
- #keg_only_reason(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#kext_prefix ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's kernel extensions should be installed.
#latest_formula ⇒ Object
If the alias has changed value, return the new formula.
- #latest_head_prefix ⇒ Object private
- #latest_head_version ⇒ Object private
#latest_installed_prefix ⇒ Object
The latest prefix for this formula.
#latest_version_installed? ⇒ Boolean
If this Formula is installed.
#launchd_service_path ⇒ Pathname
The generated launchd Formula.service file path.
#lib ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's libraries should be installed.
#libexec ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's binaries should be installed.
#license ⇒ T.untyped
The SPDX ID of the software license.
- #link_overwrite?(path) ⇒ Boolean private
#linked? ⇒ Boolean
Is the formula linked?.
#linked_keg ⇒ Object
The link status symlink directory for this Formula.
#linked_version ⇒ PkgVersion?
PkgVersion of the linked keg for the formula.
#livecheck ⇒ T.untyped
The livecheck specification for the software.
#livecheckable? ⇒ Boolean
Is a livecheck specification defined for the software?.
#loaded_from_api? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this formula was loaded using the API.
#loader_path ⇒ String
Linker variable for the directory containing the program or shared object.
- #lock ⇒ Object private
#logs ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's installation or test logs will be written.
#man ⇒ Pathname
The root directory where the formula's manual pages should be installed.
#man1 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man1 pages should be installed.
#man2 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man2 pages should be installed.
#man3 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man3 pages should be installed.
#man4 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man4 pages should be installed.
#man5 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man5 pages should be installed.
#man6 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man6 pages should be installed.
#man7 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man7 pages should be installed.
#man8 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man8 pages should be installed.
- #migration_needed? ⇒ Boolean private
#missing_dependencies(hide: nil) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of formulae depended on by this formula that aren't installed.
#mkdir(name, &block) ⇒ Object
A version of
that also changes to that folder in a block. -
#mktemp(prefix = name, retain: false, retain_in_cache: false, &block) ⇒ void
Create a temporary directory then yield.
- #network_access_allowed?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean private
- #new_formula_available? ⇒ Boolean private
- #old_installed_formulae ⇒ Object private
#oldnames ⇒ Array<String>
Old names for the formula.
- #oldnames_to_migrate ⇒ Array<String> private
- #on_system_blocks_exist? ⇒ Boolean private
#opt_bin ⇒ Pathname
Same as #bin, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_elisp ⇒ Pathname
Same as #elisp, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_frameworks ⇒ Pathname
Same as #frameworks, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_include ⇒ Pathname
Same as #include, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_lib ⇒ Pathname
Same as #lib, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_libexec ⇒ Pathname
Same as #libexec, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_pkgshare ⇒ Pathname
Same as #pkgshare, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_prefix ⇒ Pathname
A stable path for this formula, when installed.
#opt_sbin ⇒ Pathname
Same as #sbin, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#opt_share ⇒ Pathname
Same as #share, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
#option_defined? ⇒ Boolean
If a named option is defined for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
- #options(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#optlinked? ⇒ Boolean
Is the formula linked to
?. -
#outdated?(fetch_head: false) ⇒ Boolean
Check whether the installed formula is outdated.
- #outdated_kegs(fetch_head: false) ⇒ Object private
- #patch ⇒ Object private
- #patchlist(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #pin(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #pinnable?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean private
- #pinned?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean private
- #pinned_version(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#pkg_version ⇒ PkgVersion
The PkgVersion for this formula with Formula.version and #revision information.
#pkgetc ⇒ Pathname
A subdirectory of
with the formula name suffixed. -
#pkgshare ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's shared files should be installed, with the name of the formula appended to avoid linking conflicts.
#plist ⇒ Object
Use Homebrew::Service instead.
#plist_name ⇒ String
The generated launchd #plist service name.
- #possible_names ⇒ Object private
#post_install ⇒ void
Can be overridden to run commands on both source and bottle installation.
- #post_install_defined? ⇒ Boolean private
#pour_bottle? ⇒ Boolean
Indicates that this formula supports bottles.
- #pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#prefix(version = pkg_version) ⇒ Object
The directory in the cellar that the formula is installed to.
#prefix_linked?(version = pkg_version) ⇒ Boolean
If a formula's linked keg points to the prefix.
- #print_tap_action(options = {}) ⇒ Object private
#rack ⇒ Pathname
The parent of the prefix; the named directory in the cellar containing all installed versions of this software.
#recursive_dependencies(&block) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of Dependency objects in an installable order, which means if a depends on b then b will be ordered before a in this list.
#recursive_requirements(&block) ⇒ Object
The full set of Requirements for this formula's dependency tree.
- #require_universal_deps? ⇒ Boolean private
- #requirements(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
#resource(name = T.unsafe(nil), klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block) ⇒ Resource?
A named Resource for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
#resources ⇒ T.untyped
The Resources for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
#rpath(source: bin, target: lib) ⇒ String
Executable/Library RPATH according to platform conventions.
- #ruby_source_checksum ⇒ Checksum? private
- #ruby_source_path ⇒ String? private
- #run_post_install ⇒ void private
- #run_test(keep_tmp: false) ⇒ Object private
#runtime_dependencies(read_from_tab: true, undeclared: true) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of Dependency objects that are required at runtime.
#runtime_formula_dependencies(read_from_tab: true, undeclared: true) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of Formula objects that are required at runtime.
- #runtime_installed_formula_dependents ⇒ Object private
#sbin ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's
binaries should be installed. - #serialized_requirements ⇒ Object private
#service ⇒ Object
The service specification of the software.
#service? ⇒ Boolean
Is a service specification defined for the software?.
#service_name ⇒ String
The generated service name.
#share ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's shared files should be installed.
#shared_library(name, version = nil) ⇒ String
Shared library names according to platform conventions.
- #skip_clean?(path) ⇒ Boolean private
- #skip_cxxstdlib_check? ⇒ Boolean private
#specified_name ⇒ Object
The name specified to find this formula.
#specified_path ⇒ Object
The path that was specified to find this formula.
#stable? ⇒ Boolean
Is the currently active SoftwareSpec a #stable build?.
#std_cabal_v2_args ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for cabal-v2 builds.
#std_cargo_args(root: prefix, path: ".") ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for cargo builds.
#std_cmake_args(install_prefix: prefix, install_libdir: "lib", find_framework: "LAST") ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for CMake builds.
#std_configure_args(prefix: self.prefix, libdir: "lib") ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for configure builds.
#std_go_args(output: bin/name, ldflags: nil, gcflags: nil) ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for Go builds.
#std_meson_args ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for meson builds.
#std_npm_args(prefix: libexec) ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for npm builds.
#std_pip_args(prefix: self.prefix, build_isolation: false) ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for pip builds.
#supersedes_an_installed_formula? ⇒ Boolean
Is this formula the target of an alias used to install an old formula?.
#synced_with_other_formulae? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this Formula is version-synced with other formulae.
#system(cmd, *args) ⇒ void
To call out to the system, we use the
method and we prefer you give the args separately as in the line below, otherwise a subshell has to be opened first. -
#systemd_service_path ⇒ Pathname
The generated systemd Formula.service file path.
#systemd_timer_path ⇒ Pathname
The generated systemd timer file path.
#tap? ⇒ Boolean
True if this formula is provided by external Tap.
- #tap_git_head ⇒ Object private
- #test ⇒ Object private
- #test_defined? ⇒ Boolean private
- #test_fixtures(file) ⇒ Object private
#time ⇒ Time
Creates a new
object for use in the formula as the build time. - #to_hash ⇒ Object private
- #to_hash_with_variations(hash_method: :to_hash) ⇒ Object private
- #to_internal_api_hash ⇒ Object private
- #unlock ⇒ Object private
- #unpin(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped private
- #update_head_version ⇒ void private
- #urls_hash ⇒ Object private
#valid_platform? ⇒ Boolean
True if this formula can be installed on this platform Redefined in extend/os.
#var ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's variable files should be installed.
- #verify_download_integrity(filename) ⇒ Object private
#version ⇒ T.untyped
The version for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
#versioned_formula? ⇒ Boolean
If this is a
-versioned formula. -
#versioned_formulae ⇒ Array<Formula>
Returns any
-versioned Formula objects for any Formula (including versioned formulae). -
#versioned_formulae_names ⇒ Array<String>
Returns any other
-versioned formulae names for any formula (including versioned formulae). -
#with_logging(log_type) ⇒ Object
Runs a block with the given log type in effect for its duration.
#xcodebuild(*args) ⇒ void
without Homebrew's compiler environment variables set. -
#zsh_completion ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's zsh completion files should be installed.
#zsh_function ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's zsh function files should be installed.
Methods included from OnSystem::MacOSAndLinux
Methods included from BuildEnvironment::DSL
Methods included from Cachable
Methods included from Attrable
Methods included from APIHashable
generated_hash!, generating_hash!, generating_hash?
Methods included from Context
current, current=, #debug?, #quiet?, #verbose?, #with_context
Methods included from Utils::Shell
csh_quote, export_value, from_path, parent, preferred, preferred_path, prepend_path_in_profile, profile, set_variable_in_profile, sh_quote
Methods included from Utils::Shebang
Constructor Details
#initialize(name, path, spec, alias_path: nil, tap: nil, force_bottle: false) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 220 def initialize(name, path, spec, alias_path: nil, tap: nil, force_bottle: false) # Only allow instances of subclasses. The base class does not hold any spec information (URLs etc). raise "Do not call `' directly without a subclass." unless self.class < Formula # Stop any subsequent modification of a formula's definition. # Changes do not propagate to existing instances of formulae. # Now that we have an instance, it's too late to make any changes to the class-level definition. self.class.freeze @name = name @unresolved_path = path @path = path.resolved_path @alias_path = alias_path @alias_name = (File.basename(alias_path) if alias_path) @revision = self.class.revision || 0 @version_scheme = self.class.version_scheme || 0 @force_bottle = force_bottle @tap = tap @tap ||= if path == Formulary.core_path(name) CoreTap.instance else Tap.from_path(path) end @full_name = full_name_with_optional_tap(name) @full_alias_name = full_name_with_optional_tap(@alias_name) self.class.spec_syms.each do |sym| spec_eval sym end @active_spec = determine_active_spec(spec) @active_spec_sym = if head? :head else :stable end validate_attributes! @build = @pin = @follow_installed_alias = true @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = false @oldname_locks = [] end |
Class Attribute Details
.allow_network_access!(phases = []) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
The phases for which network access is allowed. By default, network
access is allowed for all phases. Valid phases are :build
, :test
and :postinstall
. When no argument is passed, network access will be
allowed for all phases.
allow_network_access! :build
allow_network_access! [:build, :test]
3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3467 def allow_network_access!(phases = []) phases_array = Array(phases) if phases_array.empty? @network_access_allowed.each_key { |phase| @network_access_allowed[phase] = true } else phases_array.each do |phase| raise ArgumentError, "Unknown phase: #{phase}" unless SUPPORTED_NETWORK_ACCESS_PHASES.include?(phase) @network_access_allowed[phase] = true end end end |
.conflicts ⇒ Array<FormulaConflict> (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3557 3558 3559 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3557 def conflicts @conflicts end |
.deny_network_access!(phases = []) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
The phases for which network access is denied. By default, network
access is allowed for all phases. Valid phases are :build
, :test
and :postinstall
. When no argument is passed, network access will be
denied for all phases.
deny_network_access! :build
deny_network_access! [:build, :test]
3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3501 def deny_network_access!(phases = []) phases_array = Array(phases) if phases_array.empty? @network_access_allowed.each_key { |phase| @network_access_allowed[phase] = false } else phases_array.each do |phase| raise ArgumentError, "Unknown phase: #{phase}" unless SUPPORTED_NETWORK_ACCESS_PHASES.include?(phase) @network_access_allowed[phase] = false end end end |
.deprecated_option(hash) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Deprecated options are used to rename options and migrate users who used
them to newer ones. They are mostly used for migrating non-with
(e.g. enable-debug
) to with
options (e.g. with-debug
deprecated_option "enable-debug" => "with-debug"
3946 3947 3948 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3946 def deprecated_option(hash) specs.each { |spec| spec.deprecated_option(hash) } end |
.deprecation_date ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The date that this Formula was or becomes deprecated.
Returns nil
if no date is specified.
4318 4319 4320 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4318 def deprecation_date @deprecation_date end |
.deprecation_reason ⇒ nil, ... (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The reason for deprecation of a Formula.
4325 4326 4327 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4325 def deprecation_reason @deprecation_reason end |
.deprecation_replacement ⇒ nil, String (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The replacement for a deprecated Formula.
4332 4333 4334 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4332 def deprecation_replacement @deprecation_replacement end |
.desc(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
143 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 143 def desc(arg = nil); end |
.disable_date ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The date that this Formula was or becomes disabled.
Returns nil
if no date is specified.
4384 4385 4386 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4384 def disable_date @disable_date end |
.disable_reason ⇒ String, Symbol (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The reason this Formula is disabled.
Returns nil
if no reason was provided or the formula is not disabled.
4391 4392 4393 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4391 def disable_reason @disable_reason end |
.disable_replacement ⇒ String (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The replacement for a disabled Formula.
Returns nil
if no reason was provided or the formula is not disabled.
4398 4399 4400 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4398 def disable_replacement @disable_replacement end |
.head(val = nil, specs = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Adds a head SoftwareSpec.
This can be installed by passing the --HEAD
option to allow
installing software directly from a branch of a version-control repository.
If called as a method this provides just the url for the SoftwareSpec.
If a block is provided you can also add depends_on and Patches just to the head SoftwareSpec.
The download strategies (e.g. :using =>
) are the same as for url.
is the default branch and doesn't need stating with a branch:
head ""
head "", branch: "name_of_branch"
or (if autodetect fails):
head "", using: :hg
3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3781 def head(val = nil, specs = {}, &block) if block @head.instance_eval(&block) elsif val @head.url(val, specs) else @head end end |
.homepage(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
146 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 146 def homepage(arg = nil); end |
.keg_only_reason ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The reason for why this software is not linked (by default) to HOMEBREW_PREFIX.
3372 3373 3374 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3372 def keg_only_reason @keg_only_reason end |
.license(args = nil) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The SPDX ID of the open-source license that the formula uses.
Shows when running brew info
Use :any_of
, :all_of
or :with
to describe complex license expressions.
should be used when the user can choose which license to use.
should be used when the user must use all licenses.
should be used to specify a valid SPDX exception.
Add +
to an identifier to indicate that the formulae can be
licensed under later versions of the same license.
license "BSD-2-Clause"
license "EPL-1.0+"
license any_of: ["MIT", "GPL-2.0-only"]
license all_of: ["MIT", "GPL-2.0-only"]
license "GPL-2.0-only" => { with: "LLVM-exception" }
license :public_domain
license any_of: [
all_of: ["0BSD", "Zlib", "Artistic-1.0+"],
"Apache-2.0" => { with: "LLVM-exception" },
3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3438 def license(args = nil) if args.nil? @licenses else @licenses = args end end |
.link_overwrite_paths ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3559 3560 3561 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3559 def link_overwrite_paths @link_overwrite_paths end |
.livecheck(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Livecheck can be used to check for newer versions of the software.
This method evaluates the DSL specified in the livecheck block of the
Formula (if it exists) and sets the instance variables of a Livecheck
object accordingly. This is used by brew livecheck
to check for newer
versions of the software.
livecheck do
skip "Not maintained"
url ""
regex /foo-(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.tar/
4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4186 def livecheck(&block) return @livecheck unless block @livecheckable = true @livecheck.instance_eval(&block) end |
.mirror(val) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Additional URLs for the stable version of the formula. These are only used if the url fails to download. It's optional and there can be more than one. Generally we add them when the main url is unreliable. If url is really unreliable then we may swap the mirror and url.
mirror ""
mirror "
3669 3670 3671 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3669 def mirror(val) stable.mirror(val) end |
.option(name, description = "") ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Options can be used as arguments to brew install
To switch features on/off: "with-something"
or "with-otherthing"
To use other software: "with-other-software"
or "without-foo"
Note that for depends_on that are :optional
or :recommended
, options
are generated automatically.
There are also some special options:
: build a universal binary/library (e.g. on newer Intel Macs this means a combined x86_64/x86 binary/library).
option "with-spam", "The description goes here without a dot at the end"
option "with-qt", "Text here overwrites what's autogenerated by 'depends_on "qt" => :optional'"
option :universal
3930 3931 3932 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3930 def option(name, description = "") specs.each { |spec| spec.option(name, description) } end |
.pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
If pour_bottle?
returns false
the user-visible reason to display for
why they cannot use the bottle.
3563 3564 3565 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3563 def pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason @pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason end |
.pour_bottle_only_if ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3559 3560 3561 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3559 def pour_bottle_only_if @pour_bottle_only_if end |
.revision(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
155 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 155 def revision(arg = nil); end |
.service(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Service can be used to define services.
This method evaluates the DSL specified in the service block of the
Formula (if it exists) and sets the instance variables of a Service
object accordingly. This is used by brew install
to generate a service file.
service do
run [opt_bin/"foo"]
4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4208 def service(&block) return @service_block unless block @service_block = block end |
.sha256(val) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
To verify the cached download's integrity and security we verify the
SHA-256 hash matches what we've declared in the Formula. To quickly fill
this value you can leave it blank and run brew fetch --force
and it'll
tell you the currently valid value.
sha256 "2a2ba417eebaadcb4418ee7b12fe2998f26d6e6f7fda7983412ff66a741ab6f7"
3687 3688 3689 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3687 def sha256(val) stable.sha256(val) end |
.skip_clean_paths ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3559 3560 3561 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3559 def skip_clean_paths @skip_clean_paths end |
.stable(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Allows adding depends_on and Patches just to the stable SoftwareSpec. This is required instead of using a conditional. It is preferable to also pull the url and sha256 into the block if one is added.
stable do
url ""
sha256 "2a2ba417eebaadcb4418ee7b12fe2998f26d6e6f7fda7983412ff66a741ab6f7"
depends_on "libxml2"
depends_on "libffi"
3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3751 def stable(&block) return @stable unless block @stable.instance_eval(&block) end |
.url(val, specs = {}) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The URL used to download the source for the stable version of the formula.
We prefer https
for security and proxy reasons.
If not inferable, specify the download strategy with using: ...
(normal file download, will also extract):nounzip
(without extracting):post
(download via an HTTP POST)
url ""
url "",
using: :git,
tag: "1.2.3",
revision: "db8e4de5b2d6653f66aea53094624468caad15d2"
3634 3635 3636 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3634 def url(val, specs = {}) stable.url(val, specs) end |
.version(val = nil) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The version string for the stable version of the formula. The version is autodetected from the URL and/or tag so only needs to be declared if it cannot be autodetected correctly.
version "1.2-final"
3650 3651 3652 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3650 def version(val = nil) stable.version(val) end |
.version_scheme(arg = nil) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
158 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 158 def version_scheme(arg = nil); end |
Instance Attribute Details
#active_log_type ⇒ String? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
When performing a build, test, or other loggable action, indicates which log file location to use.
195 196 197 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 195 def active_log_type @active_log_type end |
#active_spec=(spec_sym) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 267 def active_spec=(spec_sym) spec = send(spec_sym) raise FormulaSpecificationError, "#{spec_sym} spec is not available for #{full_name}" unless spec old_spec_sym = @active_spec_sym @active_spec = spec @active_spec_sym = spec_sym validate_attributes! @build = return if spec_sym == old_spec_sym Dependency.clear_cache Requirement.clear_cache end |
#active_spec_sym ⇒ Symbol (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
A symbol to indicate currently active SoftwareSpec. It's either :stable or :head
160 161 162 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 160 def active_spec_sym @active_spec_sym end |
#alias_name ⇒ String? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The name of the alias that was used to identify this Formula.
e.g. another-name-for-this-formula
101 102 103 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 101 def alias_name @alias_name end |
#alias_path ⇒ Pathname? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The path to the alias that was used to identify this Formula.
e.g. /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Aliases/another-name-for-this-formula
96 97 98 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 96 def alias_path @alias_path end |
#build ⇒ BuildOptions, Tab
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The BuildOptions or Tab for this Formula. Lists the arguments passed and any options in the Formula. Note that these may differ at different times during the installation of a Formula. This is annoying but the result of state that we're trying to eliminate.
202 203 204 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 202 def build @build end |
#buildpath ⇒ Pathname? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The current working directory during builds.
Will only be non-nil
inside #install.
180 181 182 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 180 def buildpath @buildpath end |
#follow_installed_alias ⇒ Boolean Also known as: follow_installed_alias?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this formula should be considered outdated if the target of the alias it was installed with has since changed. Defaults to true.
208 209 210 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 208 def follow_installed_alias @follow_installed_alias end |
#force_bottle ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether or not to force the use of a bottle.
214 215 216 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 214 def force_bottle @force_bottle end |
#full_alias_name ⇒ String? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The fully-qualified alias referring to this Formula.
For core formulae it's the same as #alias_name.
e.g. homebrew/tap-name/another-name-for-this-formula
115 116 117 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 115 def full_alias_name @full_alias_name end |
#full_name ⇒ String (readonly)
109 110 111 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 109 def full_name @full_name end |
#head ⇒ SoftwareSpec? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The HEAD SoftwareSpec for this Formula.
Installed when using brew install --HEAD
This is always installed with the version HEAD
and taken from the latest
commit in the version control system.
if there is no HEAD version.
147 148 149 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 147 def head @head end |
#local_bottle_path ⇒ Pathname?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
When installing a bottle (binary package) from a local path this will be
set to the full path to the bottle tarball. If not, it will be nil
190 191 192 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 190 def local_bottle_path @local_bottle_path end |
#name ⇒ String (readonly)
The name of this Formula.
e.g. this-formula
91 92 93 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 91 def name @name end |
#path ⇒ Pathname (readonly)
The full path to this Formula.
e.g. /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/t/this-formula.rb
122 123 124 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 122 def path @path end |
#revision ⇒ Integer (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Used for creating new Homebrew versions of software without new upstream versions.
170 171 172 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 170 def revision @revision end |
#source_modified_time ⇒ Time? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
most recent modified time for source files
164 165 166 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 164 def source_modified_time @source_modified_time end |
#stable ⇒ SoftwareSpec? (readonly)
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The stable (and default) SoftwareSpec for this Formula. This contains all the attributes (e.g. URL, checksum) that apply to the stable version of this formula.
137 138 139 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 137 def stable @stable end |
#tap ⇒ Tap? (readonly)
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The Tap instance associated with this Formula.
If it's nil
, then this formula is loaded from a path or URL.
129 130 131 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 129 def tap @tap end |
#testpath ⇒ Pathname? (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The current working directory during tests.
Will only be non-nil
inside test.
185 186 187 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 185 def testpath @testpath end |
#version_scheme ⇒ Integer (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Used to change version schemes for packages.
175 176 177 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 175 def version_scheme @version_scheme end |
Class Method Details
.[](name) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2266 2267 2268 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2266 def self.[](name) Formulary.factory(name) end |
.alias_full_names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all aliases as fully-qualified names
2256 2257 2258 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2256 def self.alias_full_names @alias_full_names ||= core_aliases + tap_aliases end |
.aliases ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all aliases
2251 2252 2253 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2251 def self.aliases @aliases ||= (core_aliases + { |name| name.split("/").last }).uniq.sort end |
.all(eval_all: false) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all Formula
this should only be used when users specify --all
to a command
2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2187 def self.all(eval_all: false) if !eval_all && !Homebrew::EnvConfig.eval_all? raise ArgumentError, "Formula#all without `--eval-all` or HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL" end (core_names + tap_files).filter_map do |name_or_file| Formulary.factory(name_or_file) rescue FormulaUnavailableError, FormulaUnreadableError => e # Don't let one broken formula break commands. But do complain. onoe "Failed to import: #{name_or_file}" $stderr.puts e nil end end |
.bottle(&block) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Adds a bottle SoftwareSpec. This provides a pre-built binary package built by the Homebrew maintainers for you. It will be installed automatically if there is a binary package for your platform and you haven't passed or previously used any options on this formula.
If you maintain your own repository, you can add your own bottle links. You can ignore this block entirely if submitting to Homebrew/homebrew-core. It'll be handled for you by the Brew Test Bot.
bottle do
root_url "" # Optional root to calculate bottle URLs.
rebuild 1 # Marks the old bottle as outdated without bumping the version/revision of the formula.
# Optionally specify the HOMEBREW_CELLAR in which the bottles were built.
sha256 cellar: "/brew/Cellar", catalina: "ef65c759c5097a36323fa9c77756468649e8d1980a3a4e05695c05e39568967c"
sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "28f4090610946a4eb207df102d841de23ced0d06ba31cb79e040d883906dcd4f"
sha256 high_sierra: "91dd0caca9bd3f38c439d5a7b6f68440c4274945615fae035ff0a369264b8a2f"
Homebrew maintainers aim to bottle all formulae.
3716 3717 3718 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3716 def bottle(&block) stable.bottle(&block) end |
.build ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3720 3721 3722 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3720 def build end |
.build_flags ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
from the formula's namespace set in Formulary::load_formula
3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3725 def build_flags namespace = T.must(to_s.split("::")[0..-2]).join("::") return [] if namespace.empty? mod = const_get(namespace) mod.const_get(:BUILD_FLAGS) end |
.conflicts_with(*names) ⇒ Object
One or more formulae that conflict with this one and why.
conflicts_with "imagemagick", because: "both install `convert` binaries"
4013 4014 4015 4016 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4013 def conflicts_with(*names) opts = names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? names.pop : {} names.each { |name| conflicts <<, opts[:because]) } end |
.core_alias_files ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all alias files of core Formula
2236 2237 2238 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2236 def self.core_alias_files CoreTap.instance.alias_files end |
.core_aliases ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all core aliases
2241 2242 2243 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2241 def self.core_aliases CoreTap.instance.aliases end |
.core_names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all core Formula names
2161 2162 2163 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2161 def self.core_names CoreTap.instance.formula_names end |
.cxxstdlib_check(check_type) ⇒ Object
Pass :skip
to this method to disable post-install stdlib checking.
4074 4075 4076 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4074 def cxxstdlib_check(check_type) define_method(:skip_cxxstdlib_check?) { true } if check_type == :skip end |
.depends_on(dep) ⇒ Object
The dependencies for this formula. Use strings for the names of other
formulae. Homebrew provides some :special
Requirements for stuff
that needs extra handling (often changing some ENV vars or
deciding whether to use the system provided version).
means this dependency is only needed during build.
depends_on "cmake" => :build
means this dependency is only needed during testing.
depends_on "node" => :test
dependencies are built by default.
But a --without-...
option is generated to opt-out.
depends_on "readline" => :recommended
dependencies are NOT built by default unless the
auto-generated --with-...
option is passed.
depends_on "glib" => :optional
If you need to specify that another formula has to be built with/out
certain options (note, no --
needed before the option):
depends_on "zeromq" => "with-pgm"
depends_on "qt" => ["with-qtdbus", "developer"] # Multiple options.
Optional and enforce that "boost" is built using --with-c++11
depends_on "boost" => [:optional, "with-c++11"]
If a dependency is only needed in certain cases:
depends_on "sqlite" if MacOS.version >= :catalina
depends_on xcode: :build # If the formula really needs full Xcode to compile.
depends_on macos: :mojave # Needs at least macOS Mojave (10.14) to run.
It is possible to only depend on something if
or build.without? "another_formula"
depends_on "postgresql" if build.without? "sqlite"
3883 3884 3885 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3883 def depends_on(dep) specs.each { |spec| spec.depends_on(dep) } end |
.deprecate!(date:, because:, replacement: nil) ⇒ Object
Deprecates a Formula (on the given date) so a warning is shown on each installation. If the date has not yet passed the formula will not be deprecated.
deprecate! date: "2020-08-27", because: :unmaintained
deprecate! date: "2020-08-27", because: "has been replaced by foo"
deprecate! date: "2020-08-27", because: "has been replaced by foo", replacement: "foo"
4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4296 def deprecate!(date:, because:, replacement: nil) @deprecation_date = Date.parse(date) return if @deprecation_date > @deprecation_reason = because @deprecation_replacement = replacement @deprecated = true end |
.deprecated? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this Formula is deprecated (i.e. warns on installation). Defaults to false.
4309 4310 4311 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4309 def deprecated? @deprecated == true end |
.disable!(date:, because:, replacement: nil) ⇒ Object
Disables a Formula (on the given date) so it cannot be installed. If the date has not yet passed the formula will be deprecated instead of disabled.
disable! date: "2020-08-27", because: :does_not_build
disable! date: "2020-08-27", because: "has been replaced by foo"
disable! date: "2020-08-27", because: "has been replaced by foo", replacement: "foo"
4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4355 def disable!(date:, because:, replacement: nil) @disable_date = Date.parse(date) if @disable_date > @deprecation_reason = because @deprecation_replacement = replacement @deprecated = true return end @disable_reason = because @disable_replacement = replacement @disabled = true end |
.disabled? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this Formula is disabled (i.e. cannot be installed). Defaults to false.
4375 4376 4377 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4375 def disabled? @disabled == true end |
.fails_with(compiler, &block) ⇒ Object
Marks the Formula as failing with a particular compiler so it will fall back to others.
For Apple compilers, this should be in the format:
fails_with :clang do
build 600
cause "multiple configure and compile errors"
The block may be omitted and if present, the build may be omitted; if so, then the compiler will not be allowed for all versions.
should be the major release number only, for instance
'7' for the GCC 7 series (7.0, 7.1, etc.).
If version
or the block is omitted, then the compiler will
not be allowed for all compilers in that series.
For example, if a bug is only triggered on GCC 7.1 but is not encountered on 7.2:
fails_with :gcc => '7' do
version '7.1'
4109 4110 4111 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4109 def fails_with(compiler, &block) specs.each { |spec| spec.fails_with(compiler, &block) } end |
.freeze ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3355 def freeze specs.each(&:freeze) @livecheck.freeze @conflicts.freeze @skip_clean_paths.freeze @link_overwrite_paths.freeze super end |
.full_names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all Formula names, which the tap formulae have the fully-qualified name
2181 2182 2183 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2181 def self.full_names @full_names ||= core_names + tap_names end |
.fuzzy_search(name) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns a list of approximately matching formula names, but not the complete match
2261 2262 2263 2264 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2261 def self.fuzzy_search(name) @spell_checker ||= + full_names).to_a) @spell_checker.correct(name) end |
.go_resource(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Use Go modules instead.
Specify a Go resource.
3815 3816 3817 3818 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3815 def go_resource(name, &block) odisabled "`Formula.go_resource`", "Go modules" specs.each { |spec| spec.go_resource(name, &block) } end |
.inherited(child) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Initialise instance variables for each subclass. These need to be initialised before the class is frozen, and some DSL may never be called so it can't be done lazily.
3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3327 def inherited(child) super child.instance_eval do # Ensure this is synced with `freeze` @stable = build_flags) @head = build_flags) @livecheck = @conflicts = [] @skip_clean_paths = @link_overwrite_paths = @loaded_from_api = false @network_access_allowed = SUPPORTED_NETWORK_ACCESS_PHASES.to_h do |phase| [phase, DEFAULT_NETWORK_ACCESS_ALLOWED] end end end |
.installed ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
An array of all installed Formula
2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2221 def self.installed Formula.cache[:installed] ||= racks.flat_map do |rack| Formulary.from_rack(rack) rescue [] end.uniq(&:name) end |
.installed_formula_names ⇒ Array<String>
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
An array of all currently installed formula names.
2216 2217 2218 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2216 def self.installed_formula_names { |rack| rack.basename.to_s } end |
.installed_with_alias_path(alias_path) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2229 def self.installed_with_alias_path(alias_path) return [] if alias_path.nil? { |f| f.installed_alias_path == alias_path } end |
.keg_only(reason, explanation = "") ⇒ Object
Software that will not be symlinked into the brew --prefix
and will
only live in its Cellar. Other formulae can depend on it and Homebrew
will add the necessary includes, libraries and other paths while
building that other formula.
Keg-only formulae are not in your PATH and are not seen by compilers if you build your own software outside of Homebrew. This way, we don't shadow software provided by macOS.
keg_only :provided_by_macos
keg_only :versioned_formulae
keg_only "because I want it so"
4067 4068 4069 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4067 def keg_only(reason, explanation = "") @keg_only_reason =, explanation) end |
.link_overwrite(*paths) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Permit overwriting certain files while linking.
Sometimes we accidentally install files outside the prefix. Once we fix that, users will get a link conflict error. Overwrite those files with:
link_overwrite "bin/foo", "lib/bar"
link_overwrite "share/man/man1/baz-*"
4414 4415 4416 4417 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4414 def link_overwrite(*paths) paths.flatten! link_overwrite_paths.merge(paths) end |
.livecheckable? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Checks whether a livecheck
specification is defined or not.
It returns true
when a livecheck
block is present in the Formula
and false
3543 3544 3545 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3543 def livecheckable? @livecheckable == true end |
.loaded_from_api? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
149 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 149 def loaded_from_api?; end |
.names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all Formula names
2176 2177 2178 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2176 def self.names @names ||= (core_names + { |name| name.split("/").last }).uniq.sort end |
.needs(*standards) ⇒ Object
Marks the Formula as needing a certain standard, so Homebrew will fall back to other compilers if the default compiler does not implement that standard.
We generally prefer to depends_on a desired compiler and to
explicitly use that compiler in a formula's #install block,
rather than implicitly finding a suitable compiler with needs
4124 4125 4126 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4124 def needs(*standards) specs.each { |spec| spec.needs(*standards) } end |
.network_access_allowed?(phase) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether the specified phase should be forced offline.
3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3516 def network_access_allowed?(phase) raise ArgumentError, "Unknown phase: #{phase}" unless SUPPORTED_NETWORK_ACCESS_PHASES.include?(phase) env_var = Homebrew::EnvConfig.send(:"formula_#{phase}_network") env_var.nil? ? @network_access_allowed[phase] : env_var == "allow" end |
.on_macos(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method is included by OnSystem
8 |
# File 'formula.rbi', line 8 def self.on_macos(&block); end |
.on_system_blocks_exist? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
6 |
# File 'formula.rbi', line 6 def self.on_system_blocks_exist?; end |
.patch(strip = :p1, src = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
External patches can be declared using resource-style blocks.
patch do
url ""
sha256 "c6bc3f48ce8e797854c4b865f6a8ff969867bbcaebd648ae6fd825683e59fef2"
A strip level of -p1
is assumed. It can be overridden using a symbol
patch :p0 do
url ""
sha256 "c6bc3f48ce8e797854c4b865f6a8ff969867bbcaebd648ae6fd825683e59fef2"
Patches can be declared in stable and head blocks. This form is preferred over using conditionals.
stable do
patch do
url ""
sha256 "c6bc3f48ce8e797854c4b865f6a8ff969867bbcaebd648ae6fd825683e59fef2"
Embedded (__END__
) patches are declared like so:
patch :DATA
patch :p0, :DATA
Patches can also be embedded by passing a string. This makes it possible to provide multiple embedded patches while making only some of them conditional.
patch :p0, "..."
4000 4001 4002 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4000 def patch(strip = :p1, src = nil, &block) specs.each { |spec| spec.patch(strip, src, &block) } end |
.pour_bottle?(only_if: nil, &block) ⇒ Boolean
Defines whether the Formula's bottle can be used on the given Homebrew installation.
If the bottle requires the Xcode CLT to be installed a Formula would declare:
pour_bottle? do
reason "The bottle needs the Xcode CLT to be installed."
satisfy { MacOS::CLT.installed? }
If satisfy
returns false
then a bottle will not be used and instead
the Formula will be built from source and reason
will be printed.
Alternatively, a preset reason can be passed as a symbol:
pour_bottle? only_if: :clt_installed
4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4239 def pour_bottle?(only_if: nil, &block) @pour_bottle_check = @pour_bottle_only_if = only_if if only_if.present? && block.present? raise ArgumentError, "Do not pass both a preset condition and a block to `pour_bottle?`" end block ||= case only_if when :clt_installed lambda do |_| on_macos do T.bind(self, PourBottleCheck) reason(+<<~EOS) The bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed. You can install them, if desired, with: xcode-select --install EOS satisfy { MacOS::CLT.installed? } end end when :default_prefix lambda do |_| T.bind(self, PourBottleCheck) reason(<<~EOS) The bottle (and many others) needs to be installed into #{Homebrew::DEFAULT_PREFIX}. EOS satisfy { HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s == Homebrew::DEFAULT_PREFIX } end else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid preset `pour_bottle?` condition" if only_if.present? end @pour_bottle_check.instance_eval(&block) end |
.racks ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
An array of all racks currently installed.
2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2204 def self.racks Formula.cache[:racks] ||= if HOMEBREW_CELLAR.subdirs.reject do |rack| rack.symlink? || rack.basename.to_s.start_with?(".") || rack.subdirs.empty? end else [] end end |
.resource(name, klass = Resource, &block) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Additional downloads can be defined as resources and accessed in the install method. Resources can also be defined inside a stable or head block. This mechanism replaces ad-hoc "subformula" classes.
resource "additional_files" do
url ""
sha256 "c6bc3f48ce8e797854c4b865f6a8ff969867bbcaebd648ae6fd825683e59fef2"
3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3806 def resource(name, klass = Resource, &block) specs.each do |spec| spec.resource(name, klass, &block) unless spec.resource_defined?(name) end end |
.service? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Checks whether a service specification is defined or not.
It returns true
when a service block is present in the Formula
and false
3552 3553 3554 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3552 def service? @service_block.present? end |
.skip_clean(*paths) ⇒ Object
Skip cleaning paths in a formula.
Sometimes the formula cleaner breaks things.
Preserve cleaned paths with:
skip_clean "bin/foo", "lib/bar"
Keep .la files with:
skip_clean :la
4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4037 def skip_clean(*paths) paths.flatten! # Specifying :all is deprecated and will become an error skip_clean_paths.merge(paths) end |
.spec_syms ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3599 3600 3601 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3599 def spec_syms [:stable, :head].freeze end |
.specs ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
A list of the stable and head SoftwareSpecs.
3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3604 def specs do |sym| send(sym) end.freeze end |
.tap_aliases ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all tap aliases
2246 2247 2248 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2246 def self.tap_aliases @tap_aliases ||= Tap.reject(&:core_tap?).flat_map(&:aliases).sort end |
.tap_files ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all tap Formula files
2171 2172 2173 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2171 def self.tap_files @tap_files ||= Tap.reject(&:core_tap?).flat_map(&:formula_files) end |
.tap_names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
an array of all tap Formula names
2166 2167 2168 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2166 def self.tap_names @tap_names ||= Tap.reject(&:core_tap?).flat_map(&:formula_names).sort end |
.test(&block) ⇒ Boolean
A test is required for new formulae and makes us happy.
The block will create, run in and delete a temporary directory.
We want tests that don't require any user input
and test the basic functionality of the application.
For example, foo build-foo
is a good test
and foo --version
or foo --help
are bad tests.
However, a bad test is better than no test at all.
(testpath/"test.file").write <<~EOS
writing some test file, if you need to
assert_equal "OK", shell_output("test_command test.file").strip
Need complete control over stdin, stdout?
require "open3"
Open3.popen3("#{bin}/example", "argument") do |stdin, stdout, _|
stdin.write("some text")
assert_equal "result",
The test will fail if it returns false, or if an exception is raised.
Failed assertions and failed system
commands will raise exceptions.
4164 4165 4166 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 4164 def test(&block) define_method(:test, &block) end |
.uses_from_macos(dep, bounds = {}) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Indicates use of dependencies provided by macOS.
On macOS this is a no-op (as we use the provided system libraries) unless
specifies a minimum macOS version.
On Linux this will act as depends_on.
3899 3900 3901 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3899 def uses_from_macos(dep, bounds = {}) specs.each { |spec| spec.uses_from_macos(dep, bounds) } end |
Instance Method Details
#active_log_prefix ⇒ String
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The prefix, if any, to use in filenames for logging current activity.
1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1193 def active_log_prefix if active_log_type "#{active_log_type}." else "" end end |
#alias_changed? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Has the alias used to install the formula changed, or are different formulae already installed with this alias?
1730 1731 1732 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1730 def alias_changed? installed_alias_target_changed? || supersedes_an_installed_formula? end |
#aliases ⇒ Array<String>
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
All aliases for the formula.
595 596 597 598 599 600 601 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 595 def aliases @aliases ||= if (tap = self.tap) tap.alias_reverse_table.fetch(full_name, []).map { _1.split("/").last } else [] end end |
#allow_network_access!(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
10 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 10 def allow_network_access!(*args, &block); end |
#any_installed_keg ⇒ Keg?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns a Keg for the opt_prefix or installed_prefix if they exist.
If not, return nil
2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2331 def any_installed_keg Formula.cache[:any_installed_keg] ||= {} Formula.cache[:any_installed_keg][full_name] ||= if (installed_prefix = any_installed_prefix) end end |
#any_installed_prefix ⇒ Pathname?
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Get the path of any installed prefix.
2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2342 def any_installed_prefix if optlinked? && opt_prefix.exist? opt_prefix elsif (latest_installed_prefix = installed_prefixes.last) latest_installed_prefix end end |
#any_installed_version ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns the PkgVersion for this formula if it is installed.
If not, return nil
2352 2353 2354 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2352 def any_installed_version any_installed_keg&.version end |
#any_version_installed? ⇒ Boolean
If at least one version of Formula is installed.
655 656 657 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 655 def any_version_installed? installed_prefixes.any? { |keg| (keg/AbstractTab::FILENAME).file? } end |
#bash_completion ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's Bash completion files should be
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
1151 1152 1153 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1151 def bash_completion prefix/"etc/bash_completion.d" end |
#bin ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's binaries should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
Need to install into the #bin but the makefile doesn't mkdir -p prefix/bin
No make install
bin.install "binary1"
797 798 799 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 797 def bin prefix/"bin" end |
#bottle ⇒ Bottle?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The Bottle object for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
424 425 426 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 424 def bottle @bottle ||=, bottle_specification) if bottled? end |
#bottle_defined?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
13 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 13 def bottle_defined?(*args, &block); end |
#bottle_for_tag(tag = nil) ⇒ Bottle?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The Bottle object for given tag.
430 431 432 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 430 def bottle_for_tag(tag = nil), bottle_specification, tag) if bottled?(tag) end |
#bottle_hash(compact_for_api: false) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns the bottle information for a formula.
2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2653 def bottle_hash(compact_for_api: false) hash = {} stable_spec = stable return hash unless stable_spec return hash unless bottle_defined? bottle_spec = stable_spec.bottle_specification hash["rebuild"] = bottle_spec.rebuild if !compact_for_api || ! hash["root_url"] = bottle_spec.root_url unless compact_for_api hash["files"] = {} bottle_spec.collector.each_tag do |tag| tag_spec = bottle_spec.collector.specification_for(tag, no_older_versions: true) os_cellar = tag_spec.cellar os_cellar = os_cellar.inspect if os_cellar.is_a?(Symbol) checksum = tag_spec.checksum.hexdigest file_hash = {} file_hash["cellar"] = os_cellar unless compact_for_api filename = Bottle::Filename.create(self, tag, bottle_spec.rebuild) path, = Utils::Bottles.path_resolved_basename(bottle_spec.root_url, name, checksum, filename) file_hash["url"] = "#{bottle_spec.root_url}/#{path}" end file_hash["sha256"] = checksum hash["files"][tag.to_sym] = file_hash end hash end |
#bottle_prefix ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The directory used for as the prefix for #etc and #var files on
installation so, despite not being in HOMEBREW_CELLAR
, they are installed
there after pouring a bottle.
1181 1182 1183 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1181 def bottle_prefix prefix/".bottle" end |
#bottle_specification(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
16 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 16 def bottle_specification(*args, &block); end |
#bottle_tab_attributes ⇒ Hash
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3229 def bottle_tab_attributes return {} unless bottled? T.must(bottle).tab_attributes end |
#bottle_tag?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
19 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 19 def bottle_tag?(*args, &block); end |
#bottled?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
22 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 22 def bottled?(*args, &block); end |
#brew(fetch: true, keep_tmp: false, debug_symbols: false, interactive: false) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Yields |self,staging| with current working directory set to the uncompressed tarball where staging is a Mktemp staging context.
1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1599 def brew(fetch: true, keep_tmp: false, debug_symbols: false, interactive: false) @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = true active_spec.fetch if fetch stage(interactive:, debug_symbols:) do |staging| staging.retain! if keep_tmp || debug_symbols prepare_patches fetch_patches if fetch begin yield self, staging rescue staging.retain! if interactive || debug? raise ensure %w[ config.log CMakeCache.txt CMakeConfigureLog.yaml meson-log.txt ].each do |logfile| Dir["**/#{logfile}"].each do |logpath| destdir = logs/File.dirname(logpath) mkdir_p destdir cp logpath, destdir end end end end ensure @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = false end |
#cached_download(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
25 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 25 def cached_download(*args, &block); end |
#caveats ⇒ String?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Warn the user about any Homebrew-specific issues or quirks for this package. These should not contain setup instructions that would apply to installation through a different package manager on a different OS.
def caveats
Are optional. Something the user must be warned about?
def caveats
s = <<~EOS
Print some important notice to the user when `brew info [formula]` is
called or when brewing a formula.
This is optional. You can use all the vars like #{version} here.
s += "Some issue only on older systems" if MacOS.version < :el_capitan
1462 1463 1464 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1462 def caveats nil end |
#caveats_with_placeholders ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2735 2736 2737 2738 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2735 def caveats_with_placeholders caveats&.gsub(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, HOMEBREW_PREFIX_PLACEHOLDER) &.gsub(HOMEBREW_CELLAR, HOMEBREW_CELLAR_PLACEHOLDER) end |
#clear_cache(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
28 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 28 def clear_cache(*args, &block); end |
#compiler_failures(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
31 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 31 def compiler_failures(*args, &block); end |
#conflicts ⇒ Array<FormulaConflict>
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
!attr[r] conflicts
2309 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2309 def conflicts = self.class.conflicts |
#core_formula? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
True if this formula is provided by Homebrew itself
2272 2273 2274 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2272 def core_formula? !!tap&.core_tap? end |
#current_installed_alias_target ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1707 1708 1709 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1707 def current_installed_alias_target Formulary.factory(T.must(installed_alias_name)) if installed_alias_path end |
#declared_deps(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
34 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 34 def declared_deps(*args, &block); end |
#deny_network_access!(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
37 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 37 def deny_network_access!(*args, &block); end |
#dependencies_hash ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2740 def dependencies_hash # Create a hash of spec names (stable/head) to the list of dependencies under each dependencies = self.class.spec_syms.to_h do |sym| [sym, send(sym)&.declared_deps] end # Implicit dependencies are only needed when installing from source # since they are only used to download and unpack source files. # @see DependencyCollector dependencies.transform_values! { |deps| deps&.reject(&:implicit?) } hash = {} dependencies.each do |spec_sym, spec_deps| next if spec_deps.nil? dep_hash = if spec_sym == :stable hash else next if spec_deps == dependencies[:stable] hash["#{spec_sym}_dependencies"] ||= {} end dep_hash["build_dependencies"] = .reject(&:uses_from_macos?) .map(&:name) .uniq dep_hash["dependencies"] = spec_deps.reject(&:optional?) .reject(&:recommended?) .reject(&:build?) .reject(&:test?) .reject(&:uses_from_macos?) .map(&:name) .uniq dep_hash["test_dependencies"] = .reject(&:uses_from_macos?) .map(&:name) .uniq dep_hash["recommended_dependencies"] = .reject(&:uses_from_macos?) .map(&:name) .uniq dep_hash["optional_dependencies"] = .reject(&:uses_from_macos?) .map(&:name) .uniq uses_from_macos_deps = dep_hash["uses_from_macos"] = do |dep| if dep..length >= 2 { => dep. } elsif dep..present? { => dep..first } else end end dep_hash["uses_from_macos_bounds"] = end hash end |
#deprecated? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this Formula is deprecated (i.e. warns on installation). Defaults to false.
1529 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1529 delegate deprecated?: :"self.class" |
#deprecated_flags(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
43 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 43 def deprecated_flags(*args, &block); end |
#deprecated_options(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
46 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 46 def (*args, &block); end |
#deprecation_date ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The date that this Formula was or becomes deprecated.
Returns nil
if no date is specified.
1536 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1536 delegate deprecation_date: :"self.class" |
#deprecation_reason ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The reason this Formula is deprecated.
Returns nil
if no reason is specified or the formula is not deprecated.
1543 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1543 delegate deprecation_reason: :"self.class" |
#deprecation_replacement ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The replacement for this deprecated Formula.
Returns nil
if no replacement is specified or the formula is not deprecated.
1550 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1550 delegate deprecation_replacement: :"self.class" |
#deps(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
58 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 58 def deps(*args, &block); end |
#desc ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The description of the software.
437 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 437 delegate desc: :"self.class" |
#deuniversalize_machos(*targets) ⇒ void
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1996 def deuniversalize_machos(*targets) if targets.none? targets = any_installed_keg&.mach_o_files&.select do |file| file.arch == :universal && file.archs.include?(Hardware::CPU.arch) end end targets&.each do |target| extract_macho_slice_from(Pathname(target), Hardware::CPU.arch) end end |
#disable_date ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The date that this Formula was or becomes disabled.
Returns nil
if no date is specified.
1564 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1564 delegate disable_date: :"self.class" |
#disable_reason ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The reason this Formula is disabled.
Returns nil
if no reason is specified or the formula is not disabled.
1571 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1571 delegate disable_reason: :"self.class" |
#disable_replacement ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The replacement for this disabled Formula.
Returns nil
if no replacement is specified or the formula is not disabled.
1578 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1578 delegate disable_replacement: :"self.class" |
#disabled? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this Formula is disabled (i.e. cannot be installed). Defaults to false.
1557 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1557 delegate disabled?: :"self.class" |
#doc ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's documentation should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
807 808 809 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 807 def doc share/"doc"/name end |
#downloader(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
76 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 76 def downloader(*args, &block); end |
#eligible_kegs_for_cleanup(quiet: false) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3139 def eligible_kegs_for_cleanup(quiet: false) eligible_for_cleanup = [] if latest_version_installed? eligible_kegs = if head? && (head_prefix = latest_head_prefix) head, stable = installed_kegs.partition { |keg| keg.version.head? } # Remove newest head and stable kegs. head - [] + T.must(stable.sort_by(&:scheme_and_version).slice(0...-1)) else do |keg| tab = if version_scheme > tab.version_scheme true elsif version_scheme == tab.version_scheme pkg_version > keg.version else false end end end unless eligible_kegs.empty? eligible_kegs.each do |keg| if keg.linked? opoo "Skipping (old) #{keg} due to it being linked" unless quiet elsif pinned? && keg == opoo "Skipping (old) #{keg} due to it being pinned" unless quiet else eligible_for_cleanup << keg end end end elsif !installed_prefixes.empty? && !pinned? # If the cellar only has one version installed, don't complain # that we can't tell which one to keep. Don't complain at all if the # only installed version is a pinned formula. opoo "Skipping #{full_name}: most recent version #{pkg_version} not installed" unless quiet end eligible_for_cleanup end |
#elisp ⇒ Pathname
The directory where Emacs Lisp files should be installed, with the formula name appended to avoid linking conflicts.
To install an Emacs mode included with a software package:
elisp.install "contrib/emacs/example-mode.el"
1063 1064 1065 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1063 def elisp prefix/"share/emacs/site-lisp"/name end |
#env(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
79 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 79 def env(*args, &block); end |
#etc ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's configuration files should be installed.
Anything using etc.install
will not overwrite other files on e.g. upgrades
but will write a new file named *.default
This directory is not inside the HOMEBREW_CELLAR
so it persists
across upgrades.
1097 1098 1099 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1097 def etc (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").extend(InstallRenamed) end |
#fetch(verify_download_integrity: true, timeout: nil, quiet: false) ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2833 2834 2835 2836 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2833 def fetch(verify_download_integrity: true, timeout: nil, quiet: false) odeprecated "Formula#fetch", "Resource#fetch on Formula#resource" active_spec.fetch(verify_download_integrity:, timeout:, quiet:) end |
#fetch_bottle_tab ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3222 def fetch_bottle_tab return unless bottled? T.must(bottle).fetch_tab end |
#fetch_patches ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
3217 3218 3219 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3217 def fetch_patches end |
#fish_completion ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's fish completion files should be
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
1173 1174 1175 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1173 def fish_completion share/"fish/vendor_completions.d" end |
#fish_function ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's fish function files should be
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
1140 1141 1142 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1140 def fish_function share/"fish/vendor_functions.d" end |
#frameworks ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's Frameworks should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
This is not symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
1074 1075 1076 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1074 def frameworks prefix/"Frameworks" end |
#full_installed_alias_name ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
359 360 361 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 359 def full_installed_alias_name full_name_with_optional_tap(installed_alias_name) end |
#full_installed_specified_name ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The name (including tap) specified to install this formula.
391 392 393 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 391 def full_installed_specified_name full_installed_alias_name || full_name end |
#full_specified_name ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The name (including tap) specified to find this formula.
381 382 383 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 381 def full_specified_name full_alias_name || full_name end |
#generate_completions_from_executable(*commands, base_name: name, shells: [:bash, :zsh, :fish], shell_parameter_format: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Generate shell completions for a formula for bash
, zsh
and fish
, using the formula's executable.
Using default values for optional arguments.
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", "completions")
# translates to
(bash_completion/"foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "bash" }, bin/"foo", "completions", "bash")
(zsh_completion/"_foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "zsh" }, bin/"foo", "completions", "zsh")
(fish_completion/"").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "fish" }, bin/"foo",
"completions", "fish")
Selecting shells and using a different base_name
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", "completions", shells: [:bash, :zsh], base_name: "bar")
# translates to
(bash_completion/"bar").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "bash" }, bin/"foo", "completions", "bash")
(zsh_completion/"_bar").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "zsh" }, bin/"foo", "completions", "zsh")
Using predefined shell_parameter_format :flag
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", "completions", shell_parameter_format: :flag, shells: [:bash])
# translates to
(bash_completion/"foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "bash" }, bin/"foo", "completions", "--bash")
Using predefined shell_parameter_format :arg
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", "completions", shell_parameter_format: :arg, shells: [:bash])
# translates to
(bash_completion/"foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "bash" }, bin/"foo",
"completions", "--shell=bash")
Using predefined shell_parameter_format :none
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", "completions", shell_parameter_format: :none, shells: [:bash])
# translates to
(bash_completion/"foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "bash" }, bin/"foo", "completions")
Using predefined shell_parameter_format :click
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", shell_parameter_format: :click, shells: [:zsh])
# translates to
(zsh_completion/"_foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "zsh", "_FOO_COMPLETE" => "zsh_source" },
Using custom shell_parameter_format
generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"foo", "completions", shell_parameter_format: "--selected-shell=",
shells: [:bash])
# translates to
(bash_completion/"foo").write Utils.safe_popen_read({ "SHELL" => "bash" }, bin/"foo",
"completions", "--selected-shell=bash")
2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2118 def generate_completions_from_executable(*commands, base_name: name, shells: [:bash, :zsh, :fish], shell_parameter_format: nil) completion_script_path_map = { bash: bash_completion/base_name, zsh: zsh_completion/"_#{base_name}", fish: fish_completion/"#{base_name}.fish", } shells.each do |shell| popen_read_env = { "SHELL" => shell.to_s } script_path = completion_script_path_map[shell] shell_parameter = if shell_parameter_format.nil? shell.to_s elsif shell_parameter_format == :flag "--#{shell}" elsif shell_parameter_format == :arg "--shell=#{shell}" elsif shell_parameter_format == :none nil elsif shell_parameter_format == :click prog_name = File.basename(commands.first.to_s)"-", "_") popen_read_env["_#{prog_name}_COMPLETE"] = "#{shell}_source" nil else "#{shell_parameter_format}#{shell}" end popen_read_args = %w[] popen_read_args << commands popen_read_args << shell_parameter if shell_parameter.present? popen_read_args.flatten! = {} [:err] = :err unless ENV["HOMEBREW_STDERR"] script_path.dirname.mkpath script_path.write Utils.safe_popen_read(popen_read_env, *popen_read_args, **) end end |
#head? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is the currently active SoftwareSpec a #head build?
403 404 405 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 403 def head? active_spec == head end |
#head_only? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is this formula HEAD-only?
409 410 411 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 409 def head_only? !!head && !stable end |
#head_version_outdated?(version, fetch_head: false) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 687 def head_version_outdated?(version, fetch_head: false) tab = Tab.for_keg(prefix(version)) return true if tab.version_scheme < version_scheme return true if stable && tab.stable_version && tab.stable_version < T.must(stable).version return false unless fetch_head return false unless head&.downloader.is_a?(VCSDownloadStrategy) downloader = T.must(head).downloader with_context quiet: true do downloader.commit_outdated?(version.version.commit) end end |
#homepage ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The homepage for the software.
447 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 447 delegate homepage: :"self.class" |
#include ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's headers should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
No make install
include.install "example.h"
825 826 827 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 825 def include prefix/"include" end |
#info ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's info files should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
835 836 837 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 835 def info share/"info" end |
#inreplace(paths, before = nil, after = nil, old_audit_result = nil, audit_result: true, &block) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sometimes we have to change a bit before we install. Mostly we
prefer a patch, but if you need the prefix of
this formula in the patch you have to resort to inreplace
because in the patch you don't have access to any variables
defined by the formula, as only HOMEBREW_PREFIX
is available
in the embedded patch.
supports regular expressions:
inreplace "somefile.cfg", /look[for]what?/, "replace by #{bin}/tool"
supports blocks:
inreplace "Makefile" do |s|
s.gsub! "/usr/local", HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s
2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2941 def inreplace(paths, before = nil, after = nil, old_audit_result = nil, audit_result: true, &block) # NOTE: must check for `#nil?` and not `#blank?`, or else `old_audit_result = false` will not call `odeprecated`. unless old_audit_result.nil? odeprecated "inreplace(paths, before, after, #{old_audit_result})", "inreplace(paths, before, after, audit_result: #{old_audit_result})" audit_result = old_audit_result end Utils::Inreplace.inreplace(paths, before, after, audit_result:, &block) rescue Utils::Inreplace::Error => e onoe e.to_s raise, "inreplace", Array(paths), {}) end |
#install ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method is overridden in Formula subclasses to provide the installation instructions. The sources (from url) are downloaded, hash-checked and then Homebrew changes into a temporary directory where the archive is unpacked or repository cloned.
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
system "make", "install"
2904 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2904 def install; end |
#install_etc_var ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1396 def install_etc_var etc_var_dirs = [bottle_prefix/"etc", bottle_prefix/"var"] Find.find(* do |path| path = path.extend(InstallRenamed) path.cp_path_sub(bottle_prefix, HOMEBREW_PREFIX) end end |
#installed_alias_name ⇒ String?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
355 356 357 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 355 def installed_alias_name installed_alias_path&.basename&.to_s end |
#installed_alias_path ⇒ Pathname?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The alias path that was used to install this formula, if it exists. Can differ from #alias_path, which is the alias used to find the formula, and is specified to this instance.
342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 342 def installed_alias_path build_tab = build path = build_tab.source["path"] if build_tab.is_a?(Tab) return unless path&.match?(%r{#{HOMEBREW_TAP_DIR_REGEX}/Aliases}o) path = Pathname(path) return unless path.symlink? path end |
#installed_alias_target_changed? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Has the target of the alias used to install this formula changed? Returns false if the formula wasn't installed with an alias.
1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1714 def installed_alias_target_changed? target = current_installed_alias_target return false unless target != name end |
#installed_kegs ⇒ Array<Keg>
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
All currently installed kegs.
773 774 775 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 773 def installed_kegs { |dir| } end |
#installed_prefixes ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
All currently installed prefix directories.
764 765 766 767 768 769 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 764 def installed_prefixes { |name| HOMEBREW_CELLAR/name } .select(&:directory?) .flat_map(&:subdirs) .sort_by(&:basename) end |
#installed_specified_name ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The name specified to install this formula.
386 387 388 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 386 def installed_specified_name installed_alias_name || name end |
#internal_dependencies_hash(spec_symbol) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2804 def internal_dependencies_hash(spec_symbol) raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported spec: #{spec_symbol}" unless [:stable, :head].include?(spec_symbol) return unless (spec = public_send(spec_symbol)) spec.declared_deps.each_with_object({}) do |dep, dep_hash| # Implicit dependencies are only needed when installing from source # since they are only used to download and unpack source files. # @see DependencyCollector next if dep.implicit? = {} [:tags] = dep. if dep..present? [:uses_from_macos] = dep.bounds.presence if dep.uses_from_macos? dep_hash[] = .presence end end |
#keg_only? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Rarely, you don't want your library symlinked into the main prefix.
See gettext.rb
for an example.
1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1472 def keg_only? return false unless keg_only_reason keg_only_reason.applicable? end |
#keg_only_reason(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
85 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 85 def keg_only_reason(*args, &block); end |
#kext_prefix ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's kernel extensions should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
This is not symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
1085 1086 1087 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1085 def kext_prefix prefix/"Library/Extensions" end |
#latest_formula ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
If the alias has changed value, return the new formula. Otherwise, return self.
1736 1737 1738 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1736 def latest_formula installed_alias_target_changed? ? current_installed_alias_target : self end |
#latest_head_prefix ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
682 683 684 685 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 682 def latest_head_prefix head_version = latest_head_version prefix(head_version) if head_version end |
#latest_head_version ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 671 def latest_head_version head_versions = installed_prefixes.filter_map do |pn| pn_pkgversion = PkgVersion.parse(pn.basename.to_s) pn_pkgversion if pn_pkgversion.head? end head_versions.max_by do |pn_pkgversion| [, pn_pkgversion.revision] end end |
#latest_installed_prefix ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The latest prefix for this formula. Checks for #head and then #stable's #prefix
703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 703 def latest_installed_prefix if head && (head_version = latest_head_version) && !head_version_outdated?(head_version) latest_head_prefix elsif stable && (stable_prefix = prefix(, revision))).directory? stable_prefix else prefix end end |
#latest_version_installed? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
If this Formula is installed. This is actually just a check for if the #latest_installed_prefix directory exists and is not empty.
647 648 649 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 647 def latest_version_installed? (dir = latest_installed_prefix).directory? && !dir.children.empty? end |
#launchd_service_path ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The generated launchd service file path.
1261 1262 1263 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1261 def launchd_service_path opt_prefix/"#{plist_name}.plist" end |
#lib ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's libraries should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
No make install
lib.install "example.dylib"
853 854 855 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 853 def lib prefix/"lib" end |
#libexec ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's binaries should be installed.
This is not symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
It is commonly used to install files that we do not wish to be
symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
from one of the other directories and
instead manually create symlinks or wrapper scripts into e.g. #bin.
libexec.install "foo.jar"
bin.write_jar_script libexec/"foo.jar", "foo"
872 873 874 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 872 def libexec prefix/"libexec" end |
#license ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The SPDX ID of the software license.
442 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 442 delegate license: :"self.class" |
#link_overwrite?(path) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1490 def link_overwrite?(path) # Don't overwrite files not created by Homebrew. return false if path.stat.uid != HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE.stat.uid # Don't overwrite files belong to other keg except when that # keg's formula is deleted. begin keg = Keg.for(path) rescue NotAKegError, Errno::ENOENT # file doesn't belong to any keg. else tab_tap = # this keg doesn't below to any core/tap formula, most likely coming from a DIY install. return false if tab_tap.nil? begin f = Formulary.factory( rescue FormulaUnavailableError # formula for this keg is deleted, so defer to allowlist rescue TapFormulaAmbiguityError return false # this keg belongs to another formula else # this keg belongs to another unrelated formula return false unless f.possible_names.include?( end end to_check = path.relative_path_from(HOMEBREW_PREFIX).to_s self.class.link_overwrite_paths.any? do |p| p == to_check || to_check.start_with?("#{p.chomp("/")}/") || /^#{Regexp.escape(p).gsub('\*', ".*?")}$/.match?(to_check) end end |
#linked? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is the formula linked?
731 732 733 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 731 def linked? linked_keg.symlink? end |
#linked_keg ⇒ Object
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The link status symlink directory for this Formula. You probably want #opt_prefix instead.
663 664 665 666 667 668 669 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 663 def linked_keg linked_keg = { |name| HOMEBREW_LINKED_KEGS/name } .find(&:directory?) return linked_keg if linked_keg.present? HOMEBREW_LINKED_KEGS/name end |
#linked_version ⇒ PkgVersion?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
PkgVersion of the linked keg for the formula.
750 751 752 753 754 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 750 def linked_version return unless linked? Keg.for(linked_keg).version end |
#livecheck ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The livecheck specification for the software.
452 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 452 delegate livecheck: :"self.class" |
#livecheckable? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is a livecheck specification defined for the software?
457 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 457 delegate livecheckable?: :"self.class" |
#loaded_from_api? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this formula was loaded using the API
481 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 481 delegate loaded_from_api?: :"self.class" |
#loader_path ⇒ String
Linker variable for the directory containing the program or shared object.
1973 1974 1975 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1973 def loader_path "@loader_path" end |
#lock ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1632 def lock @lock = @lock.lock oldnames.each do |oldname| next unless (oldname_rack = HOMEBREW_CELLAR/oldname).exist? next if oldname_rack.resolved_path != rack oldname_lock = oldname_lock.lock @oldname_locks << oldname_lock end end |
#logs ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The directory where the formula's installation or test logs will be written.
1187 1188 1189 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1187 def logs HOMEBREW_LOGS + name end |
#man ⇒ Pathname
The root directory where the formula's manual pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
Often one of the more specific man
functions should be used instead,
e.g. #man1.
884 885 886 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 884 def man share/"man" end |
#man1 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man1 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
No make install
man1.install "example.1"
902 903 904 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 902 def man1 man/"man1" end |
#man2 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man2 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
912 913 914 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 912 def man2 man/"man2" end |
#man3 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man3 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
No make install
man3.install "man.3"
930 931 932 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 930 def man3 man/"man3" end |
#man4 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man4 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
940 941 942 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 940 def man4 man/"man4" end |
#man5 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man5 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
950 951 952 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 950 def man5 man/"man5" end |
#man6 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man6 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
960 961 962 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 960 def man6 man/"man6" end |
#man7 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man7 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
970 971 972 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 970 def man7 man/"man7" end |
#man8 ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's man8 pages should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
980 981 982 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 980 def man8 man/"man8" end |
#migration_needed? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1663 1664 1665 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1663 def migration_needed? !oldnames_to_migrate.empty? && !rack.exist? end |
#missing_dependencies(hide: nil) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns a list of formulae depended on by this formula that aren't installed.
2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2413 def missing_dependencies(hide: nil) hide ||= [] do |f| hide.include?( || f.installed_prefixes.empty? end # If we're still getting unavailable formulae at this stage the best we can # do is just return no results. rescue FormulaUnavailableError [] end |
#mkdir(name, &block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
A version of FileUtils.mkdir
that also changes to that folder in
a block.
3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3198 def mkdir(name, &block) result = FileUtils.mkdir_p(name) return result unless block FileUtils.chdir(name, &block) end |
#mktemp(prefix = name, retain: false, retain_in_cache: false, &block) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Create a temporary directory then yield. When the block returns,
recursively delete the temporary directory. Passing opts[:retain]
or calling do |staging| ... staging.retain!
in the block will skip
the deletion and retain the temporary directory's contents.
3192 3193 3194 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3192 def mktemp(prefix = name, retain: false, retain_in_cache: false, &block), retain:, retain_in_cache:).run(&block) end |
#network_access_allowed?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
100 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 100 def network_access_allowed?(*args, &block); end |
#new_formula_available? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1703 1704 1705 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1703 def new_formula_available? installed_alias_target_changed? && !latest_formula.latest_version_installed? end |
#old_installed_formulae ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1740 def old_installed_formulae # If this formula isn't the current target of the alias, # it doesn't make sense to say that other formulae are older versions of it # because we don't know which came first. return [] if alias_path.nil? || installed_alias_target_changed? self.class.installed_with_alias_path(alias_path).reject { |f| == name } end |
#oldnames ⇒ Array<String>
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Old names for the formula.
582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 582 def oldnames @oldnames ||= if (tap = self.tap) Tap.tap_migration_oldnames(tap, name) + tap.formula_reverse_renames.fetch(name, []) else [] end end |
#oldnames_to_migrate ⇒ Array<String>
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1652 def oldnames_to_migrate do |oldname| old_rack = HOMEBREW_CELLAR/oldname next false unless next false if old_rack.subdirs.empty? tap == Tab.for_keg(old_rack.subdirs.min).tap end end |
#on_system_blocks_exist? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2822 2823 2824 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2822 def on_system_blocks_exist? self.class.on_system_blocks_exist? || @on_system_blocks_exist end |
#opt_bin ⇒ Pathname
Same as #bin, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1305 1306 1307 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1305 def opt_bin opt_prefix/"bin" end |
#opt_elisp ⇒ Pathname
Same as #elisp, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1361 1362 1363 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1361 def opt_elisp opt_prefix/"share/emacs/site-lisp"/name end |
#opt_frameworks ⇒ Pathname
Same as #frameworks, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1369 1370 1371 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1369 def opt_frameworks opt_prefix/"Frameworks" end |
#opt_include ⇒ Pathname
Same as #include, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1313 1314 1315 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1313 def opt_include opt_prefix/"include" end |
#opt_lib ⇒ Pathname
Same as #lib, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1321 1322 1323 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1321 def opt_lib opt_prefix/"lib" end |
#opt_libexec ⇒ Pathname
Same as #libexec, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1329 1330 1331 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1329 def opt_libexec opt_prefix/"libexec" end |
#opt_pkgshare ⇒ Pathname
Same as #pkgshare, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1353 1354 1355 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1353 def opt_pkgshare opt_prefix/"share"/name end |
#opt_prefix ⇒ Pathname
A stable path for this formula, when installed. Contains the formula name but no version number. Only the active version will be linked here if multiple versions are installed.
This is the preferred way to refer to a formula in plists or from another formula, as the path is stable even when the software is updated.
args << "--with-readline=#{Formula["readline"].opt_prefix}" if build.with? "readline"
1297 1298 1299 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1297 def opt_prefix HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt"/name end |
#opt_sbin ⇒ Pathname
Same as #sbin, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1337 1338 1339 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1337 def opt_sbin opt_prefix/"sbin" end |
#opt_share ⇒ Pathname
Same as #share, but relative to #opt_prefix instead of #prefix.
1345 1346 1347 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1345 def opt_share opt_prefix/"share" end |
#option_defined? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
If a named option is defined for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
638 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 638 delegate option_defined?: :active_spec |
#options(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
106 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 106 def (*args, &block); end |
#optlinked? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is the formula linked to opt
737 738 739 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 737 def optlinked? opt_prefix.symlink? end |
#outdated?(fetch_head: false) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Check whether the installed formula is outdated.
1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1753 def outdated?(fetch_head: false) !outdated_kegs(fetch_head:).empty? rescue Migrator::MigrationNeededError true end |
#outdated_kegs(fetch_head: false) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1667 def outdated_kegs(fetch_head: false) raise, name) if migration_needed? cache_key = "#{full_name}-#{fetch_head}" Formula.cache[:outdated_kegs] ||= {} Formula.cache[:outdated_kegs][cache_key] ||= begin all_kegs = [] current_version = T.let(false, T::Boolean) installed_kegs.each do |keg| all_kegs << keg version = keg.version next if version.head? next if version_scheme > keg.version_scheme && pkg_version != version next if version_scheme == keg.version_scheme && pkg_version > version # don't consider this keg current if there's a newer formula available next if follow_installed_alias? && new_formula_available? # this keg is the current version of the formula, so it's not outdated current_version = true break end if current_version || ((head_version = latest_head_version) && !head_version_outdated?(head_version, fetch_head:)) [] else all_kegs += old_installed_formulae.flat_map(&:installed_kegs) all_kegs.sort_by(&:scheme_and_version) end end end |
#patch ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1590 def patch return if patchlist.empty? ohai "Patching" patchlist.each(&:apply) end |
#patchlist(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
109 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 109 def patchlist(*args, &block); end |
#pin(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
112 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 112 def pin(*args, &block); end |
#pinnable?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
115 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 115 def pinnable?(*args, &block); end |
#pinned?(*args, &block) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
118 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 118 def pinned?(*args, &block); end |
#pinned_version(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
121 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 121 def pinned_version(*args, &block); end |
#pkg_version ⇒ PkgVersion
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The PkgVersion for this formula with version and #revision information.
504 505 506 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 504 def pkg_version, revision) end |
#pkgetc ⇒ Pathname
A subdirectory of etc
with the formula name suffixed.
e.g. $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/etc/openssl@1.1
Anything using pkgetc.install
will not overwrite other files on
e.g. upgrades but will write a new file named *.default
1108 1109 1110 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1108 def pkgetc (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc"/name).extend(InstallRenamed) end |
#pkgshare ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's shared files should be installed,
with the name of the formula appended to avoid linking conflicts.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
No make install
pkgshare.install "examples"
1046 1047 1048 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1046 def pkgshare prefix/"share"/name end |
#plist ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Use Homebrew::Service instead.
This method can be overridden to provide a plist.
def plist; <<~EOS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
1242 1243 1244 1245 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1242 def plist odisabled "`Formula#plist`", "`Homebrew::Service`" nil end |
#plist_name ⇒ String
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The generated launchd #plist service name.
1249 1250 1251 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1249 def plist_name service.plist_name end |
#possible_names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1788 1789 1790 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1788 def possible_names [name, *oldnames, *aliases].compact end |
#post_install ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Can be overridden to run commands on both source and bottle installation.
1388 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1388 def post_install; end |
#post_install_defined? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1391 1392 1393 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1391 def post_install_defined? method(:post_install).owner != Formula end |
#pour_bottle? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Indicates that this formula supports bottles. (Not necessarily that one
should be used in the current installation run.)
Can be overridden to selectively disable bottles from formulae.
Defaults to true so overridden version does not have to check if bottles
are supported.
Replaced by pour_bottle?'s satisfy
method if it is specified.
1380 1381 1382 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1380 def pour_bottle? true end |
#pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
124 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 124 def pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason(*args, &block); end |
#prefix(version = pkg_version) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The directory in the cellar that the formula is installed to. This directory points to #opt_prefix if it exists and if #prefix is not called from within the same formula's #install or #post_install methods. Otherwise, return the full path to the formula's versioned cellar.
717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 717 def prefix(version = pkg_version) versioned_prefix = versioned_prefix(version) if !@prefix_returns_versioned_prefix && version == pkg_version && && opt_prefix else versioned_prefix end end |
#prefix_linked?(version = pkg_version) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
If a formula's linked keg points to the prefix.
742 743 744 745 746 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 742 def prefix_linked?(version = pkg_version) return false unless linked? linked_keg.resolved_path == versioned_prefix(version) end |
#print_tap_action(options = {}) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2291 def print_tap_action( = {}) return unless tap? verb = [:verb] || "Installing" ohai "#{verb} #{name} from #{tap}" end |
#rack ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The parent of the prefix; the named directory in the cellar containing all installed versions of this software.
759 760 761 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 759 def rack HOMEBREW_CELLAR/name end |
#recursive_dependencies(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns a list of Dependency objects in an installable order, which means if a depends on b then b will be ordered before a in this list
2315 2316 2317 2318 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2315 def recursive_dependencies(&block) cache_key = "Formula#recursive_dependencies" unless block Dependency.(self, cache_key:, &block) end |
#recursive_requirements(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The full set of Requirements for this formula's dependency tree.
2323 2324 2325 2326 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2323 def recursive_requirements(&block) cache_key = "Formula#recursive_requirements" unless block Requirement.(self, cache_key:, &block) end |
#require_universal_deps? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1586 1587 1588 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1586 def require_universal_deps? false end |
#requirements(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
127 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 127 def requirements(*args, &block); end |
#resource(name = T.unsafe(nil), klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block) ⇒ Resource?
This should not actually take a block. All resources should be defined at the top-level using resource instead (see
A named Resource for the currently active SoftwareSpec. Additional downloads can be defined as #resources. Resource#stage will create a temporary directory and yield to a block.
resource("additional_files").stage { bin.install "my/extra/tool" }
570 571 572 573 574 575 576 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 570 def resource(name = T.unsafe(nil), klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block) if klass.nil? active_spec.resource(*name, &block) else active_spec.resource(name, klass, &block) end end |
#resources ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The Resources for the currently active SoftwareSpec.
605 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 605 def_delegator :"active_spec.resources", :values, :resources |
#rpath(source: bin, target: lib) ⇒ String
Executable/Library RPATH according to platform conventions.
Optionally specify a source
or target
depending on the location
of the file containing the RPATH command and where its target is located.
rpath #=> "@loader_path/../lib"
rpath(target: frameworks) #=> "@loader_path/../Frameworks"
rpath(source: libexec/"bin") #=> "@loader_path/../../lib"
1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1961 def rpath(source: bin, target: lib) unless target.to_s.start_with?(HOMEBREW_PREFIX) raise "rpath `target` should only be used for paths inside HOMEBREW_PREFIX!" end "#{loader_path}/#{target.relative_path_from(source)}" end |
#ruby_source_checksum ⇒ Checksum?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2430 2431 2432 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2430 def ruby_source_checksum if path.exist? end |
#ruby_source_path ⇒ String?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2425 2426 2427 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2425 def ruby_source_path path.relative_path_from(T.must(tap).path).to_s if tap && path.exist? end |
#run_post_install ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1406 def run_post_install @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = true build = begin = Tab.for_formula(self) new_env = { TMPDIR: HOMEBREW_TEMP, TEMP: HOMEBREW_TEMP, TMP: HOMEBREW_TEMP, _JAVA_OPTIONS: "{HOMEBREW_TEMP}", HOMEBREW_PATH: nil, PATH:, } with_env(new_env) do ENV.clear_sensitive_environment! ENV.activate_extensions! with_logging("post_install") do post_install end end ensure = build @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = false end end |
#run_test(keep_tmp: false) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2843 def run_test(keep_tmp: false) @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = true test_env = { TMPDIR: HOMEBREW_TEMP, TEMP: HOMEBREW_TEMP, TMP: HOMEBREW_TEMP, TERM: "dumb", PATH:"PATH"), HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin"), HOMEBREW_PATH: nil, }.merge(common_stage_test_env) test_env[:_JAVA_OPTIONS] += "{HOMEBREW_TEMP}" ENV.clear_sensitive_environment! Utils::Git.set_name_email! mktemp("#{name}-test") do |staging| staging.retain! if keep_tmp @testpath = T.must(staging.tmpdir) test_env[:HOME] = @testpath setup_home @testpath begin with_logging("test") do with_env(test_env) do test end end rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException staging.retain! if debug? raise end end ensure @prefix_returns_versioned_prefix = false @testpath = nil end |
#runtime_dependencies(read_from_tab: true, undeclared: true) ⇒ Object
This method is part of an internal API. This method may only be used internally in repositories owned by Homebrew, except in casks or formulae. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns a list of Dependency objects that are required at runtime.
2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2359 def runtime_dependencies(read_from_tab: true, undeclared: true) deps = if read_from_tab && undeclared && (tab_deps = any_installed_keg&.runtime_dependencies) tab_deps.filter_map do |d| full_name = d["full_name"] next unless full_name full_name end end begin deps ||= declared_runtime_dependencies unless undeclared deps ||= (declared_runtime_dependencies | undeclared_runtime_dependencies) rescue FormulaUnavailableError onoe "Could not get runtime dependencies from #{path}!" deps ||= [] end deps end |
#runtime_formula_dependencies(read_from_tab: true, undeclared: true) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns a list of Formula objects that are required at runtime.
2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2380 def runtime_formula_dependencies(read_from_tab: true, undeclared: true) cache_key = "#{full_name}-#{read_from_tab}-#{undeclared}" Formula.cache[:runtime_formula_dependencies] ||= {} Formula.cache[:runtime_formula_dependencies][cache_key] ||= runtime_dependencies( read_from_tab:, undeclared:, ).filter_map do |d| d.to_formula rescue FormulaUnavailableError nil end end |
#runtime_installed_formula_dependents ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2394 def runtime_installed_formula_dependents # `any_installed_keg` and `runtime_dependencies` `select`s ensure # that we don't end up with something `Formula#runtime_dependencies` can't # read from a `Tab`. Formula.cache[:runtime_installed_formula_dependents] ||= {} Formula.cache[:runtime_installed_formula_dependents][full_name] ||= Formula.installed .select(&:any_installed_keg) .select(&:runtime_dependencies) .select do |f| f.runtime_formula_dependencies.any? do |dep| full_name == dep.full_name rescue name == end end end |
#sbin ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's sbin
binaries should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
Generally we try to migrate these to #bin instead.
991 992 993 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 991 def sbin prefix/"sbin" end |
#serialized_requirements ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2710 def serialized_requirements requirements = self.class.spec_syms.to_h do |sym| [sym, send(sym)&.requirements] end merge_spec_dependables(requirements).map do |data| req = data[:dependable] req_name = req_name.prepend("maximum_") if req.respond_to?(:comparator) && req.comparator == "<=" req_version = if req.respond_to?(:version) req.version elsif req.respond_to?(:arch) req.arch end { "name" => req_name, "cask" => req.cask, "download" =>, "version" => req_version, "contexts" => req., "specs" => data[:specs], } end end |
#service ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The service specification of the software.
1278 1279 1280 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1278 def service @service ||=, &self.class.service) end |
#service? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is a service specification defined for the software?
462 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 462 delegate service?: :"self.class" |
#service_name ⇒ String
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The generated service name.
1255 1256 1257 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1255 def service_name service.service_name end |
#share ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's shared files should be installed.
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
Need a custom directory?
Installing something into another custom directory?
(share/"concept2").install "ducks.txt"
Install ./example_code/simple/ones
to share/demos
(share/"demos").install "example_code/simple/ones"
Install ./example_code/simple/ones
to share/demos/examples
(share/"demos").install "example_code/simple/ones" => "examples"
1027 1028 1029 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1027 def share prefix/"share" end |
#shared_library(name, version = nil) ⇒ String
Shared library names according to platform conventions.
Optionally specify a version
to restrict the shared library to a specific
version. The special string "*" matches any version.
If name
is specified as "*", match any shared library of any version.
shared_library("foo") #=> foo.dylib
shared_library("foo", 1) #=> foo.1.dylib
shared_library("foo", "*") #=> foo.2.dylib, foo.1.dylib, foo.dylib
shared_library("*") #=> foo.dylib, bar.dylib
1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1935 def shared_library(name, version = nil) return "*.dylib" if name == "*" && (version.blank? || version == "*") infix = if version == "*" "{,.*}" elsif version.present? ".#{version}" end "#{name}#{infix}.dylib" end |
#skip_clean?(path) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1482 def skip_clean?(path) return true if path.extname == ".la" && self.class.skip_clean_paths.include?(:la) to_check = path.relative_path_from(prefix).to_s self.class.skip_clean_paths.include? to_check end |
#skip_cxxstdlib_check? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1581 1582 1583 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1581 def skip_cxxstdlib_check? false end |
#specified_name ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The name specified to find this formula.
376 377 378 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 376 def specified_name alias_name || name end |
#specified_path ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The path that was specified to find this formula.
364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 364 def specified_path return Homebrew::API::Formula.cached_json_file_path if loaded_from_api? return alias_path if alias_path&.exist? return @unresolved_path if @unresolved_path.exist? return local_bottle_path if local_bottle_path.presence&.exist? alias_path || @unresolved_path end |
#stable? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is the currently active SoftwareSpec a #stable build?
397 398 399 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 397 def stable? active_spec == stable end |
#std_cabal_v2_args ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for cabal-v2 builds.
1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1805 def std_cabal_v2_args # cabal-install's dependency-resolution backtracking strategy can # easily need more than the default 2,000 maximum number of # "backjumps," since Hackage is a fast-moving, rolling-release # target. The highest known needed value by a formula was 43,478 # for git-annex, so 100,000 should be enough to avoid most # gratuitous backjumps build failures. ["--jobs=#{ENV.make_jobs}", "--max-backjumps=100000", "--install-method=copy", "--installdir=#{bin}"] end |
#std_cargo_args(root: prefix, path: ".") ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for cargo builds.
1821 1822 1823 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1821 def std_cargo_args(root: prefix, path: ".") ["--jobs", ENV.make_jobs.to_s, "--locked", "--root=#{root}", "--path=#{path}"] end |
#std_cmake_args(install_prefix: prefix, install_libdir: "lib", find_framework: "LAST") ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for CMake builds.
to "LAST" tells CMake to search for our
libraries before trying to utilize Frameworks, many of which will be from
3rd party installs.
1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1839 def std_cmake_args(install_prefix: prefix, install_libdir: "lib", find_framework: "LAST") %W[ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{install_prefix} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=#{install_libdir} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=#{find_framework} -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -DCMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES=#{HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH}/cmake/trap_fetchcontent_provider.cmake -Wno-dev -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF ] end |
#std_configure_args(prefix: self.prefix, libdir: "lib") ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for configure builds.
1861 1862 1863 1864 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1861 def std_configure_args(prefix: self.prefix, libdir: "lib") libdir = Pathname(libdir).(prefix) ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{libdir}"] end |
#std_go_args(output: bin/name, ldflags: nil, gcflags: nil) ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for Go builds.
1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1876 def std_go_args(output: bin/name, ldflags: nil, gcflags: nil) args = ["-trimpath", "-o=#{output}"] args += ["-ldflags=#{Array(ldflags).join(" ")}"] if ldflags args += ["-gcflags=#{Array(gcflags).join(" ")}"] if gcflags args end |
#std_meson_args ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for meson builds.
1887 1888 1889 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1887 def std_meson_args ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}", "--buildtype=release", "--wrap-mode=nofallback"] end |
#std_npm_args(prefix: libexec) ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for npm builds.
1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1895 def std_npm_args(prefix: libexec) require "language/node" return Language::Node.std_npm_install_args(Pathname(prefix)) if prefix Language::Node.local_npm_install_args end |
#std_pip_args(prefix: self.prefix, build_isolation: false) ⇒ Array<String>
Standard parameters for pip builds.
1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1910 def std_pip_args(prefix: self.prefix, build_isolation: false) args = ["--verbose", "--no-deps", "--no-binary=:all:", "--ignore-installed", "--no-compile"] args << "--prefix=#{prefix}" if prefix args << "--no-build-isolation" unless build_isolation args end |
#supersedes_an_installed_formula? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Is this formula the target of an alias used to install an old formula?
1723 1724 1725 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1723 def supersedes_an_installed_formula? old_installed_formulae.any? end |
#synced_with_other_formulae? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Whether this Formula is version-synced with other formulae.
545 546 547 548 549 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 545 def synced_with_other_formulae? return false if @tap.nil? @tap.synced_versions_formulae.any? { |synced_formulae| synced_formulae.include?(name) } end |
#system(cmd, *args) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
To call out to the system, we use the system
method and we prefer
you give the args separately as in the line below, otherwise a subshell
has to be opened first.
system "./", "--arg1", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
For CMake and other build systems we have some necessary defaults in e.g. #std_cmake_args:
system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args
If the arguments given to configure
(or make
or cmake
) are depending
on options defined above, we usually make a list first and then
use the args << if <condition>
to append each:
args = ["--with-option1", "--with-option2"]
args << "--without-gcc" if ENV.compiler == :clang
Most software still uses configure
and make
Check with ./configure --help
for what our options are.
system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking",
"--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
*args # our custom arg list (needs `*` to unpack)
If there is a "make install" available, please use it!
system "make", "install"
3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3034 def system(cmd, *args) verbose_using_dots = Homebrew::EnvConfig.verbose_using_dots? # remove "boring" arguments so that the important ones are more likely to # be shown considering that we trim long ohai lines to the terminal width pretty_args = args.dup unless verbose? case cmd when "./configure" pretty_args -= std_configure_args when "cabal" pretty_args -= std_cabal_v2_args when "cargo" pretty_args -= std_cargo_args when "cmake" pretty_args -= std_cmake_args when "go" pretty_args -= std_go_args when "meson" pretty_args -= std_meson_args when %r{(^|/)(pip|python)(?:[23](?:\.\d{1,2})?)?$} pretty_args -= std_pip_args end end pretty_args.each_index do |i| pretty_args[i] = "import setuptools..." if pretty_args[i].to_s.start_with? "import setuptools" end ohai "#{cmd} #{pretty_args * " "}".strip @exec_count ||= 0 @exec_count += 1 logfn = format("#{logs}/#{active_log_prefix}%02<exec_count>d.%<cmd_base>s", exec_count: @exec_count, cmd_base: File.basename(cmd).split.first) logs.mkpath, "w") do |log| log.puts, "", cmd, args, "" log.flush if verbose? rd, wr = IO.pipe begin pid = fork do rd.close log.close exec_cmd(cmd, args, wr, logfn) end wr.close if verbose_using_dots last_dot = while (buf = rd.gets) log.puts buf # make sure dots printed with interval of at least 1 min. next if ( - last_dot) <= 60 print "." $stdout.flush last_dot = end puts else while (buf = rd.gets) log.puts buf puts buf end end ensure rd.close end else pid = fork do exec_cmd(cmd, args, log, logfn) end end Process.wait(T.must(pid)) $stdout.flush unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? log_lines = Homebrew::EnvConfig.fail_log_lines log.flush if !verbose? || verbose_using_dots puts "Last #{log_lines} lines from #{logfn}:" Kernel.system "/usr/bin/tail", "-n", log_lines.to_s, logfn end log.puts require "system_config" require "build_environment" env = ENV.to_hash SystemConfig.dump_verbose_config(log) log.puts BuildEnvironment.dump env, log raise, cmd, args, env) end end end |
#systemd_service_path ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The generated systemd service file path.
1267 1268 1269 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1267 def systemd_service_path opt_prefix/"#{service_name}.service" end |
#systemd_timer_path ⇒ Pathname
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The generated systemd timer file path.
1273 1274 1275 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1273 def systemd_timer_path opt_prefix/"#{service_name}.timer" end |
#tap? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
True if this formula is provided by external Tap
2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2278 def tap? return false unless tap !T.must(tap).core_tap? end |
#tap_git_head ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2298 def tap_git_head tap&.git_head rescue TapUnavailableError nil end |
#test ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2885 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2885 def test; end |
#test_defined? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2881 2882 2883 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2881 def test_defined? false end |
#test_fixtures(file) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2887 2888 2889 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2887 def test_fixtures(file) HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH/"test/support/fixtures"/file end |
#time ⇒ Time
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Creates a new Time
object for use in the formula as the build time.
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1981 def time if ENV["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"].present?["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"].to_i).utc else end end |
#to_hash ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2449 def to_hash hsh = { "name" => name, "full_name" => full_name, "tap" => tap&.name, "oldnames" => oldnames, "aliases" => aliases.sort, "versioned_formulae" =>, "desc" => desc, "license" => SPDX.license_expression_to_string(license), "homepage" => homepage, "versions" => { "stable" => stable&.version&.to_s, "head" => head&.version&.to_s, "bottle" => bottle_defined?, }, "urls" => urls_hash, "revision" => revision, "version_scheme" => version_scheme, "bottle" => {}, "pour_bottle_only_if" => self.class.pour_bottle_only_if&.to_s, "keg_only" => keg_only?, "keg_only_reason" => keg_only_reason&.to_hash, "options" => [], "build_dependencies" => [], "dependencies" => [], "test_dependencies" => [], "recommended_dependencies" => [], "optional_dependencies" => [], "uses_from_macos" => [], "uses_from_macos_bounds" => [], "requirements" => serialized_requirements, "conflicts_with" =>, "conflicts_with_reasons" =>, "link_overwrite" => self.class.link_overwrite_paths.to_a, "caveats" => caveats_with_placeholders, "installed" => T.let([], T::Array[T::Hash[String, T.untyped]]), "linked_keg" => linked_version&.to_s, "pinned" => pinned?, "outdated" => outdated?, "deprecated" => deprecated?, "deprecation_date" => deprecation_date, "deprecation_reason" => deprecation_reason, "deprecation_replacement" => deprecation_replacement, "disabled" => disabled?, "disable_date" => disable_date, "disable_reason" => disable_reason, "disable_replacement" => disable_replacement, "post_install_defined" => post_install_defined?, "service" => (service.to_hash if service?), "tap_git_head" => tap_git_head, "ruby_source_path" => ruby_source_path, "ruby_source_checksum" => {}, } hsh["bottle"]["stable"] = bottle_hash if stable && bottle_defined? hsh["options"] = .map do |opt| { "option" => opt.flag, "description" => opt.description } end hsh.merge!(dependencies_hash) hsh["installed"] = installed_kegs.sort_by(&:scheme_and_version).map do |keg| tab = { "version" => keg.version.to_s, "used_options" => tab..as_flags, "built_as_bottle" => tab.built_as_bottle, "poured_from_bottle" => tab.poured_from_bottle, "time" => tab.time, "runtime_dependencies" => tab.runtime_dependencies, "installed_as_dependency" => tab.installed_as_dependency, "installed_on_request" => tab.installed_on_request, } end if (source_checksum = ruby_source_checksum) hsh["ruby_source_checksum"] = { "sha256" => source_checksum.hexdigest, } end hsh end |
#to_hash_with_variations(hash_method: :to_hash) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2599 def to_hash_with_variations(hash_method: :to_hash) if loaded_from_api? && hash_method == :to_internal_api_hash raise ArgumentError, "API Hash must be generated from Ruby source files" end namespace_prefix = case hash_method when :to_hash "Variations" when :to_internal_api_hash "APIVariations" else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown hash method #{hash_method.inspect}" end hash = public_send(hash_method) # Take from API, merging in local install status. if loaded_from_api? && !Homebrew::EnvConfig.no_install_from_api? json_formula = Homebrew::API::Formula.all_formulae.fetch(name).dup return json_formula.merge( hash.slice("name", "installed", "linked_keg", "pinned", "outdated"), ) end variations = {} if path.exist? && on_system_blocks_exist? formula_contents = OnSystem::ALL_OS_ARCH_COMBINATIONS.each do |os, arch| bottle_tag = os, arch:) next unless bottle_tag.valid_combination? Homebrew::SimulateSystem.with(os:, arch:) do variations_namespace = Formulary.class_s("#{namespace_prefix}#{bottle_tag.to_sym.capitalize}") variations_formula_class = Formulary.load_formula(name, path, formula_contents, variations_namespace, flags: self.class.build_flags, ignore_errors: true) variations_formula =, path, :stable, alias_path:, force_bottle:) variations_formula.public_send(hash_method).each do |key, value| next if value.to_s == hash[key].to_s variations[bottle_tag.to_sym] ||= {} variations[bottle_tag.to_sym][key] = value end end end end hash["variations"] = variations if hash_method != :to_internal_api_hash || variations.present? hash end |
#to_internal_api_hash ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2535 def to_internal_api_hash api_hash = { "desc" => desc, "license" => SPDX.license_expression_to_string(license), "homepage" => homepage, "urls" => urls_hash.transform_values(&:compact), "post_install_defined" => post_install_defined?, "ruby_source_path" => ruby_source_path, "ruby_source_sha256" => ruby_source_checksum&.hexdigest, } # Exclude default values. api_hash["revision"] = revision unless api_hash["version_scheme"] = version_scheme unless # Optional values. api_hash["keg_only_reason"] = keg_only_reason.to_hash if keg_only_reason api_hash["pour_bottle_only_if"] = self.class.pour_bottle_only_if.to_s if self.class.pour_bottle_only_if api_hash["link_overwrite"] = self.class.link_overwrite_paths.to_a if self.class.link_overwrite_paths.present? api_hash["caveats"] = caveats_with_placeholders if caveats api_hash["service"] = service.to_hash if service? if stable api_hash["version"] = stable&.version&.to_s api_hash["bottle"] = bottle_hash(compact_for_api: true) if bottle_defined? end if (versioned_formulae_list = versioned_formulae.presence) # Could we just use `versioned_formulae_names` here instead? api_hash["versioned_formulae"] = end if (dependencies = internal_dependencies_hash(:stable).presence) api_hash["dependencies"] = dependencies end if (head_dependencies = internal_dependencies_hash(:head).presence) api_hash["head_dependencies"] = head_dependencies end if (requirements_array = serialized_requirements.presence) api_hash["requirements"] = requirements_array end if conflicts.present? api_hash["conflicts_with"] = api_hash["conflicts_with_reasons"] = end if deprecation_date api_hash["deprecation_date"] = deprecation_date api_hash["deprecation_reason"] = deprecation_reason api_hash["deprecation_replacement"] = deprecation_replacement end if disable_date api_hash["disable_date"] = disable_date api_hash["disable_reason"] = disable_reason api_hash["disable_replacement"] = disable_replacement end api_hash end |
#unlock ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
1646 1647 1648 1649 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1646 def unlock @lock&.unlock @oldname_locks.each(&:unlock) end |
#unpin(*args, &block) ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
136 |
# File 'sorbet/rbi/dsl/formula.rbi', line 136 def unpin(*args, &block); end |
#update_head_version ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 484 def update_head_version return unless head? head_spec = T.must(head) return unless head_spec.downloader.is_a?(VCSDownloadStrategy) return unless head_spec.downloader.cached_location.exist? path = if ENV["HOMEBREW_ENV"] ENV.fetch("PATH") else end with_env(PATH: path) do head_spec.version.update_commit(head_spec.downloader.last_commit) end end |
#urls_hash ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2685 def urls_hash hash = {} if stable stable_spec = T.must(stable) hash["stable"] = { "url" => stable_spec.url, "tag" => stable_spec.specs[:tag], "revision" => stable_spec.specs[:revision], "using" => (stable_spec.using if stable_spec.using.is_a?(Symbol)), "checksum" => stable_spec.checksum&.to_s, } end if head hash["head"] = { "url" => T.must(head).url, "branch" => T.must(head).specs[:branch], "using" => (T.must(head).using if T.must(head).using.is_a?(Symbol)), } end hash end |
#valid_platform? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
True if this formula can be installed on this platform Redefined in extend/os.
2287 2288 2289 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2287 def valid_platform? requirements.none?(MacOSRequirement) && requirements.none?(LinuxRequirement) end |
#var ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's variable files should be installed.
This directory is not inside the HOMEBREW_CELLAR
so it persists
across upgrades.
1118 1119 1120 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1118 def var HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"var" end |
#verify_download_integrity(filename) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
2838 2839 2840 2841 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 2838 def verify_download_integrity(filename) odeprecated "Formula#verify_download_integrity", "Resource#verify_download_integrity on Formula#resource" active_spec.verify_download_integrity(filename) end |
#version ⇒ T.untyped
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
The version for the currently active SoftwareSpec. The version is autodetected from the URL and/or tag so only needs to be declared if it cannot be autodetected correctly.
469 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 469 delegate version: :active_spec |
#versioned_formula? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
If this is a @
-versioned formula.
510 511 512 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 510 def versioned_formula? name.include?("@") end |
#versioned_formulae ⇒ Array<Formula>
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns any @
-versioned Formula objects for any Formula (including versioned formulae).
535 536 537 538 539 540 541 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 535 def versioned_formulae versioned_formulae_names.filter_map do |name| Formula[name] rescue FormulaUnavailableError nil end.sort_by(&:version).reverse end |
#versioned_formulae_names ⇒ Array<String>
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Returns any other @
-versioned formulae names for any formula (including versioned formulae).
516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 516 def versioned_formulae_names versioned_names = if tap name_prefix = name.gsub(/(@[\d.]+)?$/, "") T.must(tap).prefix_to_versioned_formulae_names.fetch(name_prefix, []) elsif path.exist? Pathname.glob(path.to_s.gsub(/(@[\d.]+)?\.rb$/, "@*.rb")) .map { |path| path.basename(".rb").to_s } .sort else raise "Either tap or path is required to list versioned formulae" end versioned_names.reject do |versioned_name| versioned_name == name end end |
#with_logging(log_type) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Runs a block with the given log type in effect for its duration.
1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1202 def with_logging(log_type) old_log_type = @active_log_type @active_log_type = log_type yield ensure @active_log_type = old_log_type end |
#xcodebuild(*args) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Runs xcodebuild
without Homebrew's compiler environment variables set.
3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 3207 def xcodebuild(*args) removed = ENV.remove_cc_etc begin self.system("xcodebuild", *args) ensure ENV.update(removed) end end |
#zsh_completion ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's zsh completion files should be
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
1162 1163 1164 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1162 def zsh_completion share/"zsh/site-functions" end |
#zsh_function ⇒ Pathname
The directory where the formula's zsh function files should be
This is symlinked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX
after installation or with
brew link
for formulae that are not keg-only.
1129 1130 1131 |
# File 'formula.rb', line 1129 def zsh_function share/"zsh/site-functions" end |