Class: ENV Private
This class is part of a private API. This class may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
is not actually a class, but this makes YARD happy
Constant Summary
Constants included from CompilerConstants
CompilerConstants::COMPILERS, CompilerConstants::COMPILER_SYMBOL_MAP, CompilerConstants::GNU_GCC_REGEXP, CompilerConstants::GNU_GCC_VERSIONS
Method Summary
Methods included from EnvActivation
activate_extensions!, clear_sensitive_environment!, sensitive?, sensitive_environment, with_build_environment
Methods included from SharedEnvExtension
#[]=, #append, #append_path, #append_to_cccfg, #append_to_cflags, #cc, #cflags, #compiler, #cppflags, #cxx, #cxxflags, #effective_arch, #fc, #fcflags, #fflags, #fortran, #ldflags, #make_jobs, #no_fixup_chains_support?, #no_weak_imports_support?, #permit_arch_flags, #prepend, #prepend_create_path, #prepend_path, #refurbish_args, #remove, #remove_cc_etc, #remove_from_cflags, #setup_build_environment