Class: Cask::Upgrade Private
This class is part of a private API. This class may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Class Method Summary collapse
- .upgrade_cask(old_cask, new_cask, binaries:, force:, quarantine:, require_sha:, skip_cask_deps:, verbose:) ⇒ void private
- .upgrade_casks(*casks, args:, force: false, greedy: false, greedy_latest: false, greedy_auto_updates: false, dry_run: false, skip_cask_deps: false, verbose: false, quiet: false, binaries: nil, quarantine: nil, require_sha: nil) ⇒ Boolean private
Class Method Details
.upgrade_cask(old_cask, new_cask, binaries:, force:, quarantine:, require_sha:, skip_cask_deps:, verbose:) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 |
# File 'cask/upgrade.rb', line 154 def self.upgrade_cask( old_cask, new_cask, binaries:, force:, quarantine:, require_sha:, skip_cask_deps:, verbose: ) require "cask/installer" start_time = odebug "Started upgrade process for Cask #{old_cask}" old_config = old_cask.config = { binaries:, verbose:, force:, upgrade: true, }.compact old_cask_installer =, **) new_cask.config = new_cask.default_config.merge(old_config) = { binaries:, verbose:, force:, skip_cask_deps:, require_sha:, upgrade: true, quarantine:, }.compact new_cask_installer =, **) started_upgrade = false new_artifacts_installed = false begin oh1 "Upgrading #{Formatter.identifier(old_cask)}" # Start new cask's installation steps new_cask_installer.check_conflicts if (caveats = new_cask_installer.caveats) puts caveats end new_cask_installer.fetch # Move the old cask's artifacts back to staging old_cask_installer.start_upgrade(successor: new_cask) # And flag it so in case of error started_upgrade = true # Install the new cask new_cask_installer.stage new_cask_installer.install_artifacts(predecessor: old_cask) new_artifacts_installed = true # If successful, wipe the old cask from staging. old_cask_installer.finalize_upgrade rescue => e new_cask_installer.uninstall_artifacts(successor: old_cask) if new_artifacts_installed new_cask_installer.purge_versioned_files old_cask_installer.revert_upgrade(predecessor: new_cask) if started_upgrade raise e end end_time = Homebrew..package_installed(new_cask.token, end_time - start_time) end |
.upgrade_casks(*casks, args:, force: false, greedy: false, greedy_latest: false, greedy_auto_updates: false, dry_run: false, skip_cask_deps: false, verbose: false, quiet: false, binaries: nil, quarantine: nil, require_sha: nil) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
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# File 'cask/upgrade.rb', line 26 def self.upgrade_casks( *casks, args:, force: false, greedy: false, greedy_latest: false, greedy_auto_updates: false, dry_run: false, skip_cask_deps: false, verbose: false, quiet: false, binaries: nil, quarantine: nil, require_sha: nil ) quarantine = true if quarantine.nil? greedy = true if Homebrew::EnvConfig.upgrade_greedy? greedy_casks = if (upgrade_greedy_casks = Homebrew::EnvConfig.upgrade_greedy_casks.presence) upgrade_greedy_casks.split else [] end outdated_casks = if casks.empty? Caskroom.casks(config: Config.from_args(args)).select do |cask| cask_greedy = greedy || greedy_casks.include?(cask.token) cask.outdated?(greedy: cask_greedy, greedy_latest:, greedy_auto_updates:) end else do |cask| raise CaskNotInstalledError, cask if !cask.installed? && !force if cask.outdated?(greedy: true) true elsif cask.version.latest? opoo "Not upgrading #{cask.token}, the downloaded artifact has not changed" unless quiet false else opoo "Not upgrading #{cask.token}, the latest version is already installed" unless quiet false end end end manual_installer_casks = do |cask| cask.artifacts.any? do |artifact| artifact.is_a?(Artifact::Installer) && artifact.manual_install end end if manual_installer_casks.present? count = manual_installer_casks.count ofail "Not upgrading #{count} `installer manual` #{::Utils.pluralize("cask", count)}." puts outdated_casks -= manual_installer_casks end return false if outdated_casks.empty? if casks.empty? && !greedy && greedy_casks.empty? if !greedy_auto_updates && !greedy_latest ohai "Casks with 'auto_updates true' or 'version :latest' " \ "will not be upgraded; pass `--greedy` to upgrade them." end if greedy_auto_updates && !greedy_latest ohai "Casks with 'version :latest' will not be upgraded; pass `--greedy-latest` to upgrade them." end if !greedy_auto_updates && greedy_latest ohai "Casks with 'auto_updates true' will not be upgraded; pass `--greedy-auto-updates` to upgrade them." end end verb = dry_run ? "Would upgrade" : "Upgrading" oh1 "#{verb} #{outdated_casks.count} outdated #{::Utils.pluralize("package", outdated_casks.count)}:" caught_exceptions = [] upgradable_casks = do |c| unless c.installed? odie <<~EOS The cask '#{c.token}' was affected by a bug and cannot be upgraded as-is. To fix this, run: brew reinstall --cask --force #{c.token} EOS end [CaskLoader.load(c.installed_caskfile), c] end puts upgradable_casks .map { |(old_cask, new_cask)| "#{new_cask.full_name} #{old_cask.version} -> #{new_cask.version}" } .join("\n") return true if dry_run upgradable_casks.each do |(old_cask, new_cask)| upgrade_cask( old_cask, new_cask, binaries:, force:, skip_cask_deps:, verbose:, quarantine:, require_sha: ) rescue => e new_exception = e.exception("#{new_cask.full_name}: #{e}") new_exception.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) caught_exceptions << new_exception next end return true if caught_exceptions.empty? raise MultipleCaskErrors, caught_exceptions if caught_exceptions.count > 1 raise caught_exceptions.fetch(0) if caught_exceptions.count == 1 false end |