Class: Resource::Go Private

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This class is part of a private API. This class may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.

A resource containing a Go package.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Resource

#checksum, #download_strategy, #name, #owner, #patches, #source_modified_time

Attributes included from Downloadable

#checksum, #mirrors, #url

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Resource

#apply_patches, #download_name, #escaped_name, #fetch, #fetch_patches, #files, #freeze, #initialize, #initialize_dup, #livecheck, #livecheck_defined?, #livecheckable?, #mirror, #patch, #prepare_patches, #sha256, #specs, #unpack, #url, #using, #version

Methods included from OnSystem::MacOSAndLinux

included, #on_arch_conditional, #on_macos, #on_system_conditional

Methods included from Downloadable

#cached_download, #clear_cache, #download_name, #download_strategy, #download_type, #downloaded?, #downloader, #fetch, #freeze, #initialize, #initialize_dup, #name, #verify_download_integrity, #version

Methods included from Context

current, current=, #debug?, #quiet?, #verbose?, #with_context

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Resource

Instance Method Details

#stage(target, &block) ⇒ Object

This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.

# File 'resource.rb', line 292

def stage(target, &block)
  super(target/name, &block)