Module: Homebrew::Services::Cli Private
- Extended by:
- FileUtils
- Defined in:
- services/cli.rb
This module is part of a private API. This module may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this module if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Class Method Summary collapse
.bin ⇒ String
Binary name.
.check(targets) ⇒ Object
Check if formula has been found.
- .install_service_file(service, file) ⇒ Object private
.kill(targets, verbose: false) ⇒ void
Stop a service but keep it registered.
.kill_orphaned_services ⇒ Object
Kill services that don't have a service file.
- .launchctl_load(service, file:, enable:) ⇒ void private
- .remove_unused_service_files ⇒ Object private
.run(targets, service_file = nil, verbose: false) ⇒ void
Run a service as defined in the formula.
.running ⇒ Array<String>
Find all currently running services via launchctl list or systemctl list-units.
- .service_load(service, file, enable:) ⇒ void private
.start(targets, service_file = nil, verbose: false) ⇒ void
Start a service.
.stop(targets, verbose: false, no_wait: false, max_wait: 0, keep: false) ⇒ void
Stop a service and unload it.
- .sudo_service_user ⇒ String? private
- .sudo_service_user=(sudo_service_user) ⇒ void private
- .systemd_load(service, enable:) ⇒ void private
.take_root_ownership(service) ⇒ Object
protections to avoid users editing root services.
Class Method Details
.bin ⇒ String
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Binary name.
23 24 25 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 23 def self.bin "brew services" end |
.check(targets) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Check if formula has been found.
44 45 46 47 48 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 44 def self.check(targets) raise UsageError, "Formula(e) missing, please provide a formula name or use --all" if targets.empty? true end |
.install_service_file(service, file) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 356 def self.install_service_file(service, file) raise UsageError, "Formula `#{}` is not installed" unless service.installed? unless service.service_file.exist? raise UsageError, "Formula `#{}` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file" end temp = temp << if file.blank? contents = if sudo_service_user && System.launchctl? # set the username in the new plist file ohai "Setting username in #{service.service_name} to #{System.user}" plist_data = Plist.parse_xml(contents, marshal: false) plist_data["UserName"] = sudo_service_user plist_data.to_plist else contents end else end temp.flush rm service.dest if service.dest.exist? service.dest_dir.mkpath unless cp T.must(temp.path), service.dest # Clear tempfile. temp.close chmod 0644, service.dest"daemon-reload") if System.systemctl? end |
.kill(targets, verbose: false) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Stop a service but keep it registered.
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 228 def self.kill(targets, verbose: false) targets.each do |service| if ! puts "Service `#{}` is not started." elsif service.keep_alive? puts "Service `#{}` is set to automatically restart and can't be killed." else puts "Killing `#{}`... (might take a while)" if System.systemctl? System::Systemctl.quiet_run("stop", service.service_name) elsif System.launchctl? quiet_system System.launchctl, "stop", "#{System.domain_target}/#{service.service_name}" end if opoo "Unable to kill `#{}` (label: #{service.service_name})" else ohai "Successfully killed `#{}` (label: #{service.service_name})" end end end end |
.kill_orphaned_services ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Kill services that don't have a service file
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 51 def self.kill_orphaned_services cleaned_labels = [] cleaned_services = [] running.each do |label| if (service = FormulaWrapper.from(label)) unless service.dest.file? cleaned_labels << label cleaned_services << service end else opoo "Service #{label} not managed by `#{bin}` => skipping" end end kill(cleaned_services) cleaned_labels end |
.launchctl_load(service, file:, enable:) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
323 324 325 326 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 323 def self.launchctl_load(service, file:, enable:) safe_system System.launchctl, "enable", "#{System.domain_target}/#{service.service_name}" if enable safe_system System.launchctl, "bootstrap", System.domain_target, file end |
.remove_unused_service_files ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 68 def self.remove_unused_service_files cleaned = [] Dir["#{System.path}homebrew.*.{plist,service}"].each do |file| next if running.include?(File.basename(file).sub(/\.(plist|service)$/i, "")) puts "Removing unused service file #{file}" rm file cleaned << file end cleaned end |
.run(targets, service_file = nil, verbose: false) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Run a service as defined in the formula. This does not clean the service file like start
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 89 def, service_file = nil, verbose: false) if service_file.present? file = service_file raise UsageError, "Provided service file does not exist" unless file.exist? end targets.each do |service| if puts "Service `#{}` already running, use `#{bin} restart #{}` to restart." next elsif System.root? puts "Service `#{}` cannot be run (but can be started) as root." next end service_load(service, file, enable: false) end end |
.running ⇒ Array<String>
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
Find all currently running services via launchctl list or systemctl list-units.
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 29 def self.running if System.launchctl? Utils.popen_read(System.launchctl, "list") else System::Systemctl.popen_read("list-units", "--type=service", "--state=running", "--no-pager", "--no-legend") end.chomp.split("\n").filter_map do |svc| Regexp.last_match(0) if svc =~ /homebrew(?>\.mxcl)?\.([\w+-.@]+)/ end end |
.service_load(service, file, enable:) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 335 def self.service_load(service, file, enable:) if System.root? && !service.service_startup? opoo "#{} must be run as non-root to start at user login!" elsif !System.root? && service.service_startup? opoo "#{} must be run as root to start at system startup!" end if System.launchctl? file ||= enable ? service.dest : service.service_file launchctl_load(service, file:, enable:) elsif System.systemctl? # Systemctl loads based upon location so only install service # file when it is not installed. Used with the `run` command. install_service_file(service, file) unless service.dest.exist? systemd_load(service, enable:) end function = enable ? "started" : "ran" ohai("Successfully #{function} `#{}` (label: #{service.service_name})") end |
.start(targets, service_file = nil, verbose: false) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Start a service.
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 116 def self.start(targets, service_file = nil, verbose: false) file = T.let(nil, T.nilable(Pathname)) if service_file.present? file = service_file raise UsageError, "Provided service file does not exist" unless file.exist? end targets.each do |service| if puts "Service `#{}` already started, use `#{bin} restart #{}` to restart." next end odie "Formula `#{}` is not installed." unless service.installed? file ||= if service.service_file.exist? || System.systemctl? nil elsif service.formula.opt_prefix.exist? && (keg = Keg.for service.formula.opt_prefix) && keg.plist_installed? service_file = Dir["#{keg}/*#{service.service_file.extname}"].first service_file if service_file.present? end install_service_file(service, file) if file.blank? && verbose ohai "Generated service file for #{}:" puts " #{"\n", "\n ")}" puts end next if take_root_ownership(service).nil? && System.root? service_load(service, nil, enable: true) end end |
.stop(targets, verbose: false, no_wait: false, max_wait: 0, keep: false) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
Stop a service and unload it.
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 165 def self.stop(targets, verbose: false, no_wait: false, max_wait: 0, keep: false) targets.each do |service| unless service.loaded? rm service.dest if !keep && service.dest.exist? # get rid of installed service file anyway, dude if service.service_file_present? odie <<~EOS Service `#{}` is started as `#{service.owner}`. Try: #{"sudo " unless System.root?}#{bin} stop #{} EOS elsif System.launchctl? && quiet_system(System.launchctl, "bootout", "#{System.domain_target}/#{service.service_name}") ohai "Successfully stopped `#{}` (label: #{service.service_name})" else opoo "Service `#{}` is not started." end next end systemctl_args = [] if no_wait systemctl_args << "--no-block" puts "Stopping `#{}`..." else puts "Stopping `#{}`... (might take a while)" end if System.systemctl? if keep System::Systemctl.quiet_run(*systemctl_args, "stop", service.service_name) else System::Systemctl.quiet_run(*systemctl_args, "disable", "--now", service.service_name) end elsif System.launchctl? quiet_system System.launchctl, "bootout", "#{System.domain_target}/#{service.service_name}" unless no_wait time_slept = 0 sleep_time = 1 max_wait = T.must(max_wait) while ($CHILD_STATUS.to_i == 9216 || service.loaded?) && ( || time_slept < max_wait) sleep(sleep_time) time_slept += sleep_time quiet_system System.launchctl, "bootout", "#{System.domain_target}/#{service.service_name}" end end quiet_system System.launchctl, "stop", "#{System.domain_target}/#{service.service_name}" if end unless keep rm service.dest if service.dest.exist? # Run daemon-reload on systemctl to finish unloading stopped and deleted service.*systemctl_args, "daemon-reload") if System.systemctl? end if || service.loaded? opoo "Unable to stop `#{}` (label: #{service.service_name})" else ohai "Successfully stopped `#{}` (label: #{service.service_name})" end end end |
.sudo_service_user ⇒ String?
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
12 13 14 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 12 def self.sudo_service_user @sudo_service_user end |
.sudo_service_user=(sudo_service_user) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
17 18 19 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 17 def self.sudo_service_user=(sudo_service_user) @sudo_service_user = sudo_service_user end |
.systemd_load(service, enable:) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
This method returns an undefined value.
329 330 331 332 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 329 def self.systemd_load(service, enable:)"start", service.service_name)"enable", service.service_name) if enable end |
.take_root_ownership(service) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. This method may only be used in the Homebrew/brew repository. Third parties should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or changed without warning.
protections to avoid users editing root services
252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 |
# File 'services/cli.rb', line 252 def self.take_root_ownership(service) return unless System.root? return if sudo_service_user root_paths = T.let([], T::Array[Pathname]) if System.systemctl? group = "root" elsif System.launchctl? group = "admin" chown "root", group, service.dest plist_data = plist = begin Plist.parse_xml(plist_data, marshal: false) rescue nil end return unless plist program_location = plist["ProgramArguments"]&.first key = "first ProgramArguments value" if program_location.blank? program_location = plist["Program"] key = "Program" end if program_location.present? Dir.chdir("/") do if File.exist?(program_location) program_location_path = Pathname(program_location).realpath root_paths += [ program_location_path, program_location_path.parent.realpath, ] else opoo <<~EOS #{}: the #{key} does not exist: #{program_location} EOS end end end end if (formula = service.formula) root_paths += [ formula.opt_prefix, formula.linked_keg, formula.bin, formula.sbin, ] end root_paths = opoo <<~EOS Taking root:#{group} ownership of some #{service.formula} paths: #{root_paths.join("\n ")} This will require manual removal of these paths using `sudo rm` on brew upgrade/reinstall/uninstall. EOS chown "root", group, root_paths chmod "+t", root_paths end |